CloudBees Pipeline Explorer 1.13

2 minute read

RELEASED: Public: April 18, 2024

New features

Update the CloudBees Pipeline Explorer header (BEE-46720)

Added user experience improvements to the CloudBees Pipeline Explorer header.

Configure build details in the CloudBees Pipeline Explorer header (BEE-46721)

In the CloudBees Pipeline Explorer header, you can now configure the build details display.

CloudBees Pipeline Explorer more clearly shows input steps in tree view (BEE-46722)

The CloudBees Pipeline Explorer now uses a special icon for the input steps in the tree view, and displays them in all cases. When an input step is waiting for input, the banner at the top of the CloudBees Pipeline Explorer is now highlighted.

In the CloudBees Pipeline Explorer, update the shortcuts panel (BEE-46923)

In the CloudBees Pipeline Explorer, the shortcuts panel has now been updated.

  • Internal changes to streamline development. Not user visible. (BEE-46945)(BEE-47447)(BEE-47531)

Feature enhancements


Resolved issues

CloudBees Pipeline Explorer did not support non-default values for the crumb request field for POST requests (BEE-46640)

Previously, if you modified the default crumb request field, some features in the CloudBees Pipeline Explorer did not work correctly. This included the abort and rebuild buttons, and the ability to save user preferences. This issue has been resolved.

The "Show node steps in tree" preference in the CloudBees Pipeline Explorer always reset to false after a controller restart (BEE-47001)

The "Show node steps in tree" preference in the CloudBees Pipeline Explorer always reset to false after a controller restart. The preference now maintains its configured value across restarts. This issue has been resolved.

CloudBees Pipeline Explorer shows redundant context badges in the log view between lines from steps from the same stage (BEE-47172)

If two steps in a stage have more than one line of consecutive log output, the CloudBees Pipeline Explorer shows a redundant context badge between them. Since they are from the same stage, you do not have to display a badge. This issue has been resolved.

The "Show steps in stage" feature did not work correctly in the CloudBees Pipeline Explorer (BEE-47173)

The “Show steps in stage“ menu option for stages in the tree view only showed steps that were immediate children of the selected stage, instead of showing all descendant steps as intended. This issue has been resolved.

Build artifacts panel displays an incorrect action button (BEE-47535)

The "Build artifacts" drawer now dynamically loads the correct information.

  • Internal changes to streamline development. Not user visible. (BEE-45043)(BEE-45050)(BEE-46723)(BEE-46724)(BEE-46945)(BEE-47130)(BEE-47160)(BEE-47174)(BEE-47200)(BEE-47447)(BEE-47530)(BEE-47531)

Known issues


Upgrade notes
