CloudBees Slack Integration Plugin 1.4

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: 2020-08-12

New features

  • Bitbucket support added (STICKY-538)

    The plugin GUI, as well as Configuration as Code schema, referred to GitHub user IDs when it could work with any Jenkins branch source plugin defining the author of a “change request”, such as Bitbucket.

    The GUI text for this field now refers more generically to SCM IDs. For purposes of CasC, the preferred field name is now scmId rather than github.

Resolved issues

  • Do permission check even against user ID not currently in memory (STICKY-612)

    Depending on the security realm and details of how users had been configured, a legitimate CloudBees CI user Id could have been entered in a Slack configuration but that the job permission check would be rejected as if that user did not exist.

    A user Id is now always looked up in the security realm, even if the user object has not been loaded into memory yet.

Known issues


Upgrade notes
