Build Classes - Create or Edit a Build Class

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See Creating Build Classes for the procedure for creating a build class. See Editing Build Classes for the procedure for editing a build class.

Field Descriptions

Field Description


Name of the build class.

Tag Definition

Tag that generally consists of a generic build name appended with build-specific data that you construct from the following variables:

GC —Globally unique number (Global Counter)

LC —Number unique to the build class (Local Counter; the build serial number within the class)

BUILD_CLASS —User-defined build class name

BUILD_CLASS_ID —System-generated number that the Cluster Manager uses to identify each class

USER_NAME —Name of the user who invoked eMake

MACHINE_NAME —Name of the machine where eMake was invoked

USER_BUILD_LABEL —Label specified at the eMake command line. For example, --emake-build-label=my_build

BUILD_OS_ID —Operating system ID under which the build was invoked (0 = undefined, 1 = Windows, 2 = Solaris, and 3 = Linux)

DATE —Build start date and time using variables Y, y, m, d, H, M, and S (for example, 2005-01-18 10:14:32 is 20050118101432 )

Y —Year at build start time ( YYYY )

y —Year at build start time ( YY )

m —Sequential month number at build start time ( 1-12 )

d —Sequential day of month at build start time ( 1-31 )

H —Hour of the day at build start time ( 0-23 )

M —Minutes at build start time ( 0-59 )

S —Seconds at build start time ( 0-60 )

a —Abbreviated day of week at build start time ( WED )

A —Full name day of week at build start time ( Wednesday )

b —Abbreviated month name at build start time ( AUG )

B —Full month name at build start time ( August )

c —Build start date and time using the variables A, B, d, H, M, S, and Y (for example, 2005-01-18 10:14:32 means 18/01/05 10:14:32 )

For details about user-defined variables, see eMake Command-Line Options, Variables, and Configuration File. For details about constructing tag definitions, see <a id="top"></a> Using Build Classes - Tag Definitions.

Minimum Agents

Minimum number of agents that must be available before a build is assigned agents. The default is 2 agents. For more information, see agent policies .

Maximum Agents

Maximum number of agents that can be assigned to a build. The default is 64 agents. For more information, see agent policies .


Priority for builds in this build class. Select Low, Normal, or High, and if using a boost value, use the adjacent pull-down to select a boost value. For more information, see agent policies .


Operating system to use for this build class.

Resource Request

Field used to request particular agents for this build class. (If you have not created resources, or if you need to create additional resources, click the Agents tab, then click the Resources subtab, and then from the Resources page, click the New Resource link to define resources.)

Allow jobcache

Checkbox that determines whether to allow the JobCache feature to be used for this build class. For the default build class and for build classes that exist when you upgrade to Accelerator 8.0 or a newer version, this checkbox is checked (meaning that JobCache is allowed) by default. For a build class that you create, this checkbox is unchecked by default.

For more information about JobCache, see Job Caching.

Annotation Upload

Checkbox that determines whether to upload the annotation file to the Cluster Manager.

Annotation Levels

Checkboxes that indicate which levels of information to include in the annotation file. Available annotation levels are as follows:

  • Basic Annotation (if JobCache is enabled, basic annotation includes JobCache annotation)

  • Env (extended environment information)

  • History (serialization details)

  • File (files read or written)

  • Lookup (all file names accessed)

  • Waiting (complete dependency graph)

  • Registry (registry updates for Windows)

eMake automatically creates makefile macros ( ECLOUD_BUILD_CLASS and ECLOUD_BUILD_TAG ) from Cluster Manager build class data. You can use these macros to add generated values to your makefiles. For more information, see Using eMake Variables.