Using ecagent Tools

1 minute read

You can issue scripts from the agent host to assist with managing agent services or daemons. The following scripts are available:

  • ecagent_start or /etc/init.d/ecagent start —Run this command to start the agent service or daemon. For example: To start a stopped agent, issue ecagent_start, and the agent will be detected automatically and reappear in the Cluster Manager agent list in the web interface.

  • ecagent_stop or /etc/init.d/ecagent stop —Run this command to stop the agent service or daemon. For example: To delete an agent permanently, issue ecagent_stop and then delete the agent from the Cluster Manager agent list in the web interface.

  • ecagent_restart or /etc/init.d/ecagent restart —Run this command to stop and then start the agent service or daemon.