Installing CloudBees Accelerator Silently

6 minute read

If you are installing on a series of identical machines (such as a series of cluster hosts) , you can use the “silent” installation method, which installs components automatically without user interaction.

On Windows, if you invoke the installer from the command line, an “Unknown Publisher” security warning might appear. You can disregard this warning and proceed with installation.

Installer Command-Line Options

Use the following command-line options when performing a silent installation. The options are the same values that a user would normally set through the installer interface. Use this format:

<installer_filename> [options]

This table lists each command-line option’s equivalent in the installer UI and the variable that is set in the installer properties file. You can use the resulting properties file for running silent installations.

You can use the values “yes”, “y”, “1” and “no”, “n”, “0” interchangeably within installer command-line options.
Command-line option Variable set in the installer properties file Description

Equivalent installer UI field

--emakeallowmultipleemakes <y or n>

Allow multiple eMake installations in separate directories


Allows multiple emake installations to exist on the same machine if they are installed in different directories. If you don’t allow multiple eMakes, the previous version of eMake will be uninstalled. This option is available only if you choose a different installation directory from the current eMake installation.

--adminuserpassword [ARG] Cluster Manager Administrator Password


Sets the Cluster Manager Administrator user password.

--agentallowreboot <y or n> Reboot the host if needed


Indicates if you want to reboot after installing Electric Agent/EFS. Default: n For Windows, if you use n, the installer does not restart the Agent service; reboot the host to ensure EFS works properly. Windows might prompt before the host is rebooted. For UNIX, the machine does not reboot unless required, even if you specify EC_AGENT_REBOOT=y.

--agentcmhost [ARG] Cluster Manager Host/IP Address

EC_AGENT_CMHOST=<hostname or IP address>

Sets the Cluster Manager hostname or IP address for this host to connect to. Example: or winlong-cm

--agentcmport [ARG] Cluster Manager Accelerator Server Port

EC_AGENT_CMPORT=8030 (default)

Sets the Cluster Manager server port number for this host to connect to.

--agentinstallerunnerd <y or n> Install Electric Runner Service


y installs eRunnerd on agent machines. Default: y

--agentondemand <y or n> Agents are provisioned on-demand from a cloud - Amazon EC2 etc.


Indicates if the agents are provisioned on-demand from a cloud such as Amazon EC2 or Kubernetes. Default: n

--agentnumber [ARG] Number of Agents


Sets the number of agents to set up on the host. The maximum is 32 for 32-bit and 64 for 64-bit machines.

--agentpassword [ARG] ECloud Internal User Shared Password


Sets the password for ECloudInternalUser (Windows only).

--agentremovelogs <y or n> Remove old Electric Agent logs


Removes old agent log files. If not, the install appends to them. Default: n

--agentsecureconsole <y or n> Secure Agent Console port


y requires an agent-generated key to be entered before commands will run on the agent console port. Default: n

--agentskipefs <1 or 0> n/a


(Linux platforms only) Specifies whether to install EFS. Enable this option if you already installed the efs100 kernel module as part of configuring agents to run in Docker containers. For details about this kernel module, see the KBEA-00170 Configuring ElectricAccelerator 11.0 and Newer Versions to Run in Docker Containers KB article. Default: 0 (n)

--agentskiplofs <1 or 0> n/a


(Linux platforms only) Specifies whether to install LOFS. Enable this option if you already installed the lofs kernel module as part of configuring agents to run in Docker containers. For details about this kernel module, see the KBEA-00170 Configuring ElectricAccelerator 11.0 and Newer Versions to Run in Docker Containers KB article.

Default: 0 (n)

--agenttempdir [ARG] Agent temporary directory


Sets the temporary directory for all agent files. On Linux or Solaris, this directory must not be a symbolic link. Windows default: C:\WINDOWS\temp Linux/UNIX default: /tmp

--agentuserlist [ARG] Existing User


Sets a list of username/password pairs to be used as login accounts for agents (Windows only).

--backupdb <y or n> Back up local database


Backs up the local database only. Remote databases are not backed up. Default: n

--baseinstallerunner <y or n> Install Electric Runner client apps


Installs eRunner client applications on Cluster Manager and eMake machines. Default: y

--cmaccelport [ARG] Cluster Manager Accelerator Server port

EC_CM_ACCELPORT=8030 (default)

Sets the Cluster Manager Accelerator server port number for unencrypted traffic.

--cmaccelsport [ARG] Cluster Manager Secure Accelerator Server port

EC_CM_ACCELSPORT=8031 (default)

Sets the Cluster Manager Accelerator server port number for encrypted traffic.

--cmdbhost [ARG] Database Host/IP address

EC_CM_DBHOST=localhost (default)

Sets the Cluster Manager database host machine.

--cmdbname [ARG] Database Name

EC_CM_DBNAME=ecloud (default)

Sets the name of the database to create on the database server. If you do not use the default local database, you must provide the name of an existing database.

--cmdbpassword [ARG] Database Password

EC_CM_DBPASSWORD=ecloud (default)

Sets the user password to use when connecting to the database server.

--cmdbport [ARG] Database Port

EC_CM_DBPORT=3306 (default)

Sets the database listening port. Use 1433 for MS SQL.

--cmdbtype <mariadb, mysql, oracle, or mssql> Database Type

EC_CM_DBTYPE=MariaDB (default), MySQL, Oracle, or MSSQL

Sets the type of database to use for Cluster Manager.

--cmdbuser [ARG] Database User

EC_CM_DBUSER=root (default)

Sets the user name to use when connecting to the database server.

--cmhttpport [ARG] Cluster Manager HTTP port

EC_CM_HTTPPORT=80 (default)

Sets the Cluster Manager HTTP server port.

--cmhttpsport [ARG] Cluster Manager HTTPS port

EC_CM_HTTPSPORT=443 (default)

Sets the Cluster Manager HTTPS server port.

--cmlogrotate <y or n> Rotate Cluster Manager logs


Rotates Apache logs. Default: y

--cmmigratedb <y or n> Migrate existing database


Migrates the database; this value is meaningful only if performing an upgrade. Default: n

--cmremovelogs <y or n> Remove old Cluster Manager logs


Removes old Cluster Manager log files. If not, the install appends to them. Default: n

--cmservername [ARG] n/a


Sets the Apache/SSLserver name.

--cmserviceuser Cluster Manager Service User

EC_CM_SERVICEUSER=<existing LDAP user or local user>

Sets the user to run the Cluster Manager service.

--cmserviceuserpassword Cluster Manager Service User Password


Sets the password to use for the Cluster Manager service user. If not specified, the account that Cluster Manager runs as is used (Windows only).

--debug n/a


Runs the installer in debug mode.

--debugconsole n/a


Runs the installer with the debug console open.

--erunnerdport Electric Runner Server Port

EC_ERUNNERD_PORT=2411 (default)

Sets the port for eRunnerd to listen on.

--erunnerdremovelogs <y or n> Remove old Electric Runner logs


Removes old eRunnerd logs. If not, the install appends to them. Default: n

--finalprefix [ARG] n/a


Sets the location where the installed directory tree will be located. Use this option when --prefix is a temporary location that is not the final destination for the product.

--ignoreoldconf <y or n> n/a


Ignores the previous configuration.

--mode <console, silent, or standard> n/a


Sets the mode in which to run the installer. For a console login, standard mode and console mode are identical. For a GUI machine, standard brings up the UI. On Linux or Solaris, if you are running the X Window System, you must use console if you want to invoke console mode. For silent installation, use silent.

--noredist <y or n> Do not install the redistributables


Does not install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable (Windows only). Default: n



Show the available command-line parameters for installation.

--pdfreader [ARG] <browse to location>

UnixPDFReader=<path to PDF reader>

Sets the PDF reader to use.

--prefix [ARG] Destination Folder


Sets the installation directory. Windows default: C:\ECloud UNIX default: /opt/ecloud

--propertyfile [ARG] n/a


Sets the property file from which to read installer options.

--removezips <1 or 0> n/a


Removes (1) zip files after installation.

--rootrun <1 or 0> n/a


Allows the installer to run when root privileges are not present and disables the execution of installer steps that would require root privileges. This option does not change access privileges. 1 (y) or 0 (n).

--rwprefix [ARG] n/a


Specifies the location for read/write files.

--skiprun <1 or 0> n/a


Prevents (1) the installer from starting the agent or Cluster Manager

--temp [ARG] n/a


Sets the temporary directory used by this program.

--test n/a


Runs the installer without installing any files.

--type <agent, emake, cm, or full> <select install type>

InstallType=Electric Agent + eMake, eMake, Cluster Manager + eMake, or Electric Agent + eMake + Cluster Manager

Type of installation to perform.

--version n/a


Displays installer version information.

Creating an Installer Properties File

An installer properties file is a text file that defines installation parameters. These parameters are the same values that a user would normally set through the installer interface or command line.

To create an installer properties file:

  1. Run an installation with your desired settings.

This creates a properties file (install.props) in the top-level install directory.

  1. Use the resulting properties file for subsequent silent installations of the same component type.

Components are installed individually so you must create an installer properties file for each CloudBees Accelerator component you intend to install.

The table details the parameters within installer properties files.

  1. Make sure you already have a properties file (install.props) that was created by a successful installation.

  2. Log into the remote machine as root.

  3. Invoke the installer:

# ./<installer filename> --mode silent --propertyfile <properties file>
  1. Make sure you already have a properties file (install.props) created by a successful installation.

  2. Log in to the remote machine as Administrator.

  3. Invoke the installer in a DOS shell:

<installer filename> /mode silent /propertyfile <full path\properties file>

If you are performing a silent upgrade on an agent host by running the installation on the host itself, you might be prompted before the machine is rebooted. This prompt occurs if others are logged in to the machine when you run the agent upgrade.