What’s New

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Resolved Issues in Version 5.2.6

  • Visual Studio Converter Extension

  • An issue in which The system cannot find the file specified. NMAKE : fatal error U1077 appeared when a solution name contained forward slashes (/) is fixed. (VSP-1173)


  • The -clustermanagerhost and -type options are removed from the command-line installer. (VSP-1170)

New Features and Functionality in Version 5.2.5

The installers for the Visual Studio Extension 5.2.5 and for ElectricAccelerator 10.1 are enhanced to let you automatically initialize Visual Studio on agent hosts:

  • In the Visual Studio Extension installer, the Initialize Visual Studio for ECloudInternalUsers checkbox is added to the Select Visual Studio Version screen. (VSP-1167)

  • In the ElectricAccelerator installer, the Initialize Visual Studio for ECloudInternalUsers checkbox is added to the Configuring the Electric Agent screen. (EC-12802)

Using this checkbox can add up to 30 minutes to installation times (depending on the number of agents and the number of installed Visual Studio versions).

Resolved Issues in Version 5.2.5

Visual Studio Converter Extension

  • An issue is fixed in which MSBuild did not create certain required directories (such as for logging) if the build used build customizations. This issue caused the following error message: error MSB3491: Could not write lines to file <file>. (VSP-1159)


  • Because of a known issue, the ability to upgrade the Visual Studio Integration on all Windows agent hosts that are registered to the Cluster Manager that you specify is removed. This means that the installer now performs only local installations, and therefore, the Setup Type dialog box is removed. (VSP-1166)

Resolved Issues in Version 5.2.4

Visual Studio IDE Extension

  • The Max Local Agents field in the Advanced tab of the Solution Settings window is now disabled (regardless of whether it was previously set) if the installed eMake version is 9.1 or later. (VSP-1134)

Visual Studio Converter Extension

  • Using the /FU compiler option no longer produces duplicate assemblies. (VSP-1151)

  • The issue where environment variables in response files were not expanded is fixed. (VSP-1133)

New Features and Functionality in Version 5.2.3

Visual Studio Converter Extension

  • To improve MSBuild build times for unparseable projects (such as those containing Build Customizations), the extension now passes the MSBuild /m switch (without a value) to MSBuild so that all cores are used by default. (VSP-1132)

Resolved Issues in Version 5.2.3

Visual Studio IDE Extension

  • The setting for the MSBuild project build output verbosity level is now passed to add-in based builds so that they show the same level of verbosity as Visual Studio. (VSP-1131)

  • For Accelerator 9.1 and later versions, you can no longer simultaneously use local agents and a cluster manager. This means that the Use Local Agents check box in the General > Cluster tab of the Solution Settings window has no effect when you specify a cluster manager using the Cluster Manager field in the General > Basic tab. This also means that simultaneously using the --emake-localagents eMake option and the --emake-cm eMake option from the command line produces an error. (VSP-1130)

Visual Studio Converter Extension

  • The extension now turns off parsing for projects with more-complex Build Customizations and instead uses MSBuild. This avoids the fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '<filename>.h': No such file or directory error because eMake could not locate the header file. (VSP-1129)

New Features and Functionality in Version 5.2.2

Visual Studio Converter Extension

  • (Visual Studio 2010 and newer versions) The ECADDIN_USE_MSBUILD_FOR_LINK environment variable and the UseMSBuildForLink configuration file variable are introduced. When these variables are enabled, the extension uses MSBuild for linking. These variables are a workaround for an issue in which VCManifestTool is not supported in Visual Studio 2015 and newer versions and might not be supported in Visual Studio 2010–2013.

    These variables are enabled by default for Visual Studio 2015 and newer versions and disabled by default for Visual Studio 2010–2013. (VSP-1118)

Resolved Issues in Version 5.2.2

Visual Studio IDE Extension

  • The issue where the Electric Cloud > Debug Project menu option is unresponsive on some Visual Studio versions is fixed. (VSP-1124)

Visual Studio Converter Extension

  • The following NMAKE error no longer occurs when you import more than one library and up-to-date-check is enabled: fatal error U1000: syntax error : ')' missing in macro invocation. (VSP-1122)

New Features and Functionality in Version 5.2.1

Visual Studio 2017 Community and Enterprise Edition Support

  • Support is added for the Community and Enterprise editions of Visual Studio 2017. The integration is installed for all editions. (VSP-1110)

  • Support is added for Visual Studio build customizations. If you encounter issues with a project when using this feature, you can disable it for all projects containing Build Customizations by setting ECADDIN_PARSE_BUILD_CUSTOMIZATIONS or ParseBuildCustomizations to FALSE or by disabling parsing for only that project by setting ECADDIN_DONT_PARSE_PROJECT or DoNotParseSpecificProjects to TRUE. (VSP-1071)

Resolved Issues in Version 5.2.1

Visual Studio Converter Extension

  • Fixed an NMAKE: fatal error U1073: don’t know how to make '"<file>"' error that occurred when a project contained a source file whose path used a macro. (VSP-1121)

  • The LINK : fatal error LNK1146: no argument specified with option '/MANIFESTFILE:' error no longer appears. (VSP-1116)

  • The converter extension no longer assumes a Visual Studio DPI Awareness setting of None. All Visual Studio DPI Awareness settings are now recognized. (VSP-760)

New Features and Functionality in Version 5.2

Visual Studio Converter Extension

  • Support is added for Visual Studio Professional 2017. Note that the /PERMISSIVE switch is not supported in the Visual Studio IDE. (VSP-1109 and VSP-1090)

  • Support for Visual Studio 2005 is reintroduced. (VSP-1106)

  • The ECADDIN_LINK_PARAMETERS environment variable and the LinkParameters configuration file variable are introduced. These variables add options to the linker command. For example, ECADDIN_LINK_PARAMETERS=/OPT:REF or LinkParameters=/INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO /DEBUG /PDB:a.pdb. (VSP-1102)

  • The ECADDIN_NORECURSE environment variable and the NoRecurse configuration file variable are introduced. When these variables are enabled, only the specified project configurations are built, and dependent projects in those configurations are ignored. (VSP-1101)

  • The ECADDIN_NOLINK environment variable and the NoLink configuration file variable are introduced. When these variables are enabled, all build steps are performed except linking and post-build steps. (VSP-1100)

Resolved Issues in Version 5.2

Visual Studio Converter Extension

  • A clean dependency is added for rebuilds (not builds) to improve build speed. (VSP-1096)

ecdevenv Utility

  • The issue where selective project regeneration failed because ecdevenv did not use the correct project name when the projects had relative paths is fixed. (VSP-1103)