What is a CloudBees Instance ID and how do I find it?

Article ID:203871600
1 minute readKnowledge base


  • What is my instance id?

  • How do I find my instance id?

  • How do I register my instance?


Instance IDs are required to generate licenses for CloudBees CI.

Scenario 1 - a fresh installation
  1. Go to your operations center or controller’s web UI at https://$INSTANCE_URL (you may need to add :8080, :8888, :9090 or other port values to the end of the URL, depending which port is being used):

    Since this is a fresh installation, you’ll see the following registration screen:

  2. Click on the "Use a license key" option (as shown above). The top-most field will contain your instance ID. Copy this value, and send it to csm-help@cloudbees.com or submit a ticket at https://support.cloudbees.com. Please also let us know if it’s for a CloudBees CI operations center, or a standalone controller (see Planning)

  3. While you wait for the license you can request an automated trial license (as long as your instance can connect to https://licenses.cloudbees.com) using the Request a trial license button. This will allow you to get started using CloudBees CI immediately.

Scenario 2 - You’re renewing your license

If you’re an existing customer, you’re likely here to simply provide us with an instance id for your renewal!

  • go to https://$INSTANCE_URL/license to find your instance id.

  • alternatively, go to https://$JENKINS_URL/script and enter Jenkins.get().getLegacyInstanceId() to find your instance id.

Scenario 3 - You need the id of a non running instance

The instance id is the md5 sum of the secret.key file. Assuming you have md5sum installed, you can run md5sum ${JENKINS_HOME}/secret.key.