CloudBees Jenkins Operation Center Plugins Mixing Major versions

Article ID:204891294
1 minute readKnowledge base


Using a mixture of Operations Center Plugins can cause unexpected behavior.

* operations-center-agent:1.7.0 'Operations Center Agent'
* operations-center-analytics:1.6.2 'Operations Center Analytics'
* operations-center-analytics-reporter:1.7.0 'Operations Center Analytics Reporter'
* operations-center-analytics-viewer:1.6.2 'Operations Center Analytics Viewer'
* operations-center-clusterops:1.6.3 'Operations Center Server Cluster Operations'
* operations-center-context:1.7.0 'Operations Center Context'
* operations-center-elasticsearch-provider:1.6 'Operations Center Elasticsearch Provider'
* operations-center-embedded-elasticsearch:1.6- 'Operations Center Embedded elasticsearch'
* operations-center-jnlp-controller:1.6.4 'Operations Center JNLP Agent Controller Plugin'
* operations-center-license:1.7.0 'Operations Center Server License Entitlement Check'
* operations-center-monitoring:1.6 'Operations Center Monitoring Plugin'
* operations-center-openid-cse:1.7.0 'Operations Center OpenID Cluster Session Extension'
* operations-center-rbac:1.6.2 'Operations Center Server Role Based Access Control'
* operations-center-sso:1.6.2 'Operations Center Single Sign-On Plugin'
* operations-center-updatecenter:1.6 'Operations Center Update Center Plugin'


The CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center plugins should be at the same level. For example, if you are using CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center v1.6, all of the plugins should be v1.6 or v1.6.x (where applicable).