Handling Failures

1 minute read

Declarative Pipeline supports robust failure handling by default via its post section which allows declaring a number of different "post conditions" such as: always, unstable, success, failure, and changed. The Pipeline Syntax Reference Guide provides more detail on how to use the various post conditions.

// Declarative // pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Test') { steps { sh 'make check' } } } post { always { junit '**/target/*.xml' } failure { mail to: team@example.com, subject: 'The Pipeline failed :(' } } } // Script // node { /* .. snip .. */ stage('Test') { try { sh 'make check' } finally { junit '**/target/*.xml' } } /* .. snip .. */ }

Scripted Pipeline however relies on Groovy’s built-in try/catch/finally semantics for handling failures during execution of the Pipeline.

In the test example above, the sh step was modified to never return a non-zero exit code (sh 'make check || true'). This approach, while valid, means the following stages need to check currentBuild.result to know if there has been a test failure or not.

An alternative way of handling this, which preserves the early-exit behavior of failures in Pipeline, while still giving junit the chance to capture test reports, is to use a series of try/finally blocks: