CloudBees Jenkins Platform

2 minute read

RELEASED: 2021-12-01

Upgrade notes

Safely upgrading the Amazon Web Services SDK plugin

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK plugin (aws-java-sdk) was split into multiple fine-grained plugins in version 2.303.3.3 to reduce the size of the CloudBees Jenkins Platform packages. As a result, it is no longer a part of the CloudBees Assurance Program. The plugin is not automatically uninstalled from your CloudBees Jenkins Platform instance and it could lead to an inconsistent state when you upgrade.

If you perform the installation using CasC and the plugins.yaml file contains aws-java-sdk, the installation will fail. To resolve the failed installation, you must add any plugins that are dependent upon the AWS SDK plugin to the plugins.yaml and the plugin-catalog.yaml files. To avoid upgrade issues, you should use the Plugin Manager to safely upgrade the AWS SDK plugin.

The RPM installation package requires systemd

The majority of Linux distributions have adopted systemd, but if you attempt to use the RPM package to install CloudBees Jenkins Platform on a Linux distribution that does not support systemd, the installation will appear to be successful, however the service will not be able to start.

If your upgrade seemed to be successful, but the service will not start, you should determine whether your Linux distribution contains systemd as a next step.

The --daemon parameter has been removed from RPM packaging (BEE-8172)

The --daemon parameter, used for launching an RPM distribution, is no longer supported by Jenkins and has been removed from the RPM installation package.

The RPM package has been updated to use daemonize in conjunction with the system daemon as a replacement. CentOS users must install the epel-release package to ensure daemonize works properly.

Refer to the installation and upgrade documentation for more information.

Terminology migration impacts to nodes (BEE-10599)

As part of the Jenkins terminology cleanup effort, the built-in node was renamed from "master node" to "built-in node" in Jenkins 2.319.1.5. This affects CloudBees CI customers with multiple controllers under the CloudBees operations center.

After upgrading to CloudBees CI 2.319.1.5, existing controllers will continue to use the label master until the administrator chooses to apply the built-in node name and label migration. For more details about the naming migration, refer to:

Announcing plans for removal of several plugins from CloudBees Assurance Program

CloudBees has determined that the following plugins will be removed from the CloudBees Assurance Program (CAP) late next year. Notification will be provided prior to the removal of each plugin. Please contact CloudBees Support if you have any concerns or questions.

  • Azure Publisher Settings Credentials plugin

  • Blue Ocean Auto-favorite

  • Build Timeout

  • CloudBees Amazon Web Services Deploy Engine plugin

  • CloudBees Docker Build and Publish

  • CloudBees Even Scheduler plugin

  • CloudBees Fast Archiving plugin

  • CloudBees Git Validated Merge plugin

  • CloudBees Label Throttling plugin

  • CloudBees Long-running Build plugin

  • CloudBees Pull Request Builder for GitHub

  • CloudBees WikiText Security plugin

  • Conditional BuildStep

  • Dashboard View

  • Deployer Framework

  • Deployed on Column

  • External Monitor Job Type

  • JavaScript GUI Lib:Moment.js bundle plugin

  • Jenkins MSBuild plugin

  • Jenkins MSTestRunner plugin

  • Jira

  • Jira Integration for Blue Ocean

  • Matrix Project

  • Maven Integration

  • Mercurial

  • Parameterized Trigger

  • Pipeline: Declarative Agent API

  • Promoted builds

  • Run Condition

  • View Job Filters

  • WMI Windows Agents

Jenkins upgrade notes