CloudBees Jenkins Platform

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: 2018-02-14

Based on Jenkins LTS2.89.4-cb-3

Rolling release Security release

Security advisory

Security advisory * Security Advisory 2018-02-14

+ Fixes the security issues described in the advisory.

New features

  • For Guidance On How To Use The New Features

    Project Cheetah: Scalability Improvements & Durability Settings For Performance

  • Support for faster Durability Settings which reduce I/O and improve performance significantly

  • JENKINS-47300 +* Ability to disable Pipeline auto-resume when restarting

  • JENKINS-33761 +* Reduce Redundant Disk Writes for Step Information

  • JENKINS-47172 +* New and MUCH more efficient pipeline step info storage, available with the performance-optimized durability setting

  • Added handy-uri-templates-2-api version 2.1.6-1.0

Resolved issues


Known issues
