Create a fully SaaS account

1 minute read

CloudBees Release Orchestration SaaS deployed fully SaaS is ideal for organizations who use online DevOps tools and are able to access credentials securely stored in a CloudBees Release Orchestration SaaS server.

To create an account:

  1. Go to CloudBees Release Orchestration SaaS sign-up.

  2. Enter your work email.

  3. Enter your Full Name.

  4. Select Sign Up.

    Account creation
    Figure 1. Signing up for a new account
  5. Enter the verification code sent to your email.

  6. Select Verify Code.

  7. Enter a Password.

  8. Re-enter your password in the Confirm Password field.

  9. Select Proceed.

Your account is created, and you are ready to connect your CI tool, if applicable, to CloudBees Release Orchestration SaaS.

Connecting your CI tool
Figure 2. Option to integrate your CI tool
If you select No to Do you have Jenkins/CloudBees CI currently implemented?, the main CloudBees Release Orchestration SaaS navigation displays. If you select Yes, you can configure your CI tool. To learn more, refer to CI tool integration.

For more information on signing in to CloudBees Release Orchestration SaaS, refer to Signing in to the admin portal.