How to migrate from a legacy war to a CloudBees Jenkins Team?

Article ID:115000079072
1 minute readKnowledge base


  • The user wants to migrate from an old legacy war (CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise Client controller) or a new CJE war to the new CloudBees Jenkins team product.


  • CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise war

  • CloudBees Jenkins Team (CJT)

  • Jenkins


To migrate from a Legacy war with a Legacy per Executor License with Enterprise plugins to a CloudBees Jenkins team with OSS plugins only you need to perform the following steps:

1) Stop your Jenkins instance 2) Remove the license.xml file in your JENKINS_HOME 3) Remove the cb-envelope folder inside your JENKINS_HOME 4) Start the CJT war file pointing to the same JENKINS_HOME 5) When asked for a license, disable unlicensed plugins first using the UI ad-hoc button.

remove unlicensed components
uninstall components

6) Let Jenkins restart and prompt for a license 7) Install the new Team License either by inserting the license or by requesting a trial.

activate product

8) You’re done!

Ready to Go