Create a Matrix-like flow with Pipeline

Article ID:115000088431
2 minute readKnowledge base


  • I would like to create a Pipeline that runs parallel task in the same way a Matrix job does



You can run a pipeline that mocks the behavior of a Matrix jobs. You can trivially run the different combinations in parallel and express the structure like a Matrix.

In terms of Visualization however, Pipeline Stage View is not able to display the result in a Matrix structure. There are long standing improvement issues about this: JENKINS-27395 and JENKINS-33185.

Blue Ocean Plugin offer better visualization capabilities and is the way forward.

Example with "Flat" structure:

The following pipeline has 2 axes: Nodes and JDKs. Therefore there should be 4 tasks running in parallel:

  • osx-agent-1 / jdk7: Runs on node "osx-agent-1" and use the tool "jdk7"

  • osx-agent-1 / jdk8: Runs on node "osx-agent-1" and use the tool "jdk8"

  • osx-agent-2 / jdk7: Runs on node "osx-agent-2" and use the tool "jdk7"

  • osx-agent-2 / jdk8: Runs on node "osx-agent-2" and use the tool "jdk8"

def axisNode = ["osx-agent-1","osx-agent-2"]
def axisTool = ["jdk7","jdk8"]
def tasks = [:]

stage("Before") {
    node {
        echo "before"

for(int i=0; i< axisNode.size(); i++) {
    def axisNodeValue = axisNode[i]
    for(int j=0; j< axisTool.size(); j++) {
        def axisToolValue = axisTool[j]
        tasks["${axisNodeValue}/${axisToolValue}"] = {
            node(axisNodeValue) {
                def javaHome = tool axisToolValue
                println "Node=${env.NODE_NAME}"
                println "Java=${javaHome}"

stage ("Matrix") {
    parallel tasks

stage("After") {
    node {
        echo "after"

Note that the "Matrix stage" is a simple parallel task and the matrix structure can be part of a bigger pipeline (as shown by this pipeline that is creating stages before and after the matrix structure).

Visualization in Blue Ocean

blueocean matrix pipeline flat

Example with "Nested" structure:

Another example is to run Nested Parallel tasks. The following pipeline do the exact same things except that we create a nest parallel tasks:

  • "osx-agent-1": Parent stage

    • osx-agent-1 / jdk7: Runs on node "osx-agent-1" and use the tool "jdk7"

    • osx-agent-1 / jdk8: Runs on node "osx-agent-1" and use the tool "jdk8"

  • "osx-agent-2": Parent stage

    • osx-agent-2 / jdk7: Runs on node "osx-agent-2" and use the tool "jdk7"

    • osx-agent-2 / jdk8: Runs on node "osx-agent-2" and use the tool "jdk8"

def axisNode = ["osx-agent-1","osx-agent-2"]
def axisTool = ["jdk7","jdk8"]
def tasks = [:]

stage("Before") {
    node {
        echo "before"

for(int i=0; i< axisNode.size(); i++) {
    def axisNodeValue = axisNode[i]
    def subTasks = [:]
    for(int j=0; j< axisTool.size(); j++) {
        def axisToolValue = axisTool[j]
        subTasks["${axisNodeValue}/${axisToolValue}"] = {
            def javaHome = tool axisToolValue
            println "Node=${env.NODE_NAME}"
            println "Java=${javaHome}"
    tasks["${axisNodeValue}"] = {
        node(axisNodeValue) {
            parallel subTasks

stage ("Matrix") {
    parallel tasks

stage("After") {
    node {
        echo "after"

Visualization in Blue Ocean

blueocean matrix pipeline nested
Improvement for the visualization of Nested stages is an open issue, see JENKINS-38442