Store or Promote plugins with Dependencies in Custom Update Centers

Article ID:115000485931
4 minute readKnowledge base


  • I want to promote a plugin and its dependencies in a managed Update Center

  • I want to store/download a plugin and its dependencies in a managed Update Center

  • I want to know what dependencies are required for a plugin in a managed Update Center



The CloudBees Update Center Plugin provides the ability to host and manage custom Update Center(s). Plugins are advertised by a managed Update Center through 2 steps: Store and Promote. A limitation of these features is that the dependencies of a the plugin being stored or promoted are not automatically picked.

To workaround that problem, the following groovy script can be used: ucStoreAndPromoteWithDependencies.groovy

The script calculate the dependencies required for a specific plugin name/version and execute an action: STORE, PROMOTE or NOOP (nothing). This can be controlled by the following variables:

  • pluginName: The short name of the plugin (ex: 'nectar-rbac')

  • pluginVersion: The version of the plugin or an empty string to pick up the latest (ex: '5.15')

  • updateCenterFullName: The full name of the update center item (ex: 'RegionA/RegionAUpdateCenter')

  • updateCenterAction: The action to undertake: 'STORE'


    'NOOP' (default)

  • updateCenterActionDryRun: Whether to execute a dry run or no, true by default

The output of the script depends on the state of the update center - which plugin already stored/promoted - and the upstream source - what plugins versions are available upstream. It also provide detailed logging for each operations. For more details and documentation, please have a look at the script.


In the following example, an Update Center with the following upstream source is used:

update center upstream source

The advertised version of the nectar-rbac for that upstream source is 5.12. We will show how to store/promote versions of the nectar-rbac plugin with its dependencies.

Calculate a plugin required dependencies

I run the script to check what plugins are required to run the latest version of nectar-rbac by specifying the following value:

  • def pluginName = 'nectar-rbac'

  • def pluginVersion = ''

  • def updateCenterFullName = 'RegionA/RegionAUpdateCenter'

  • def updateCenterAction = 'NOOP'

  • def updateCenterActionDryRun = true

The output tells me:

Required Dependencies

Store upstream version of a plugin with dependencies

The Update Center has the latest version nectar-rbac:5.12 stored but not the required dependencies. I run the script to store the latest version of nectar-rbac with its dependencies by specifying the following value:

  • def pluginName = 'nectar-rbac'

  • def pluginVersion = ''

  • def updateCenterFullName = 'RegionA/RegionAUpdateCenter'

  • def updateCenterAction = 'STORE'

  • def updateCenterActionDryRun = false

The output shows that the plugin versions are being pulled:


Required Dependencies

Download required dependencies:
 Pulling plugin version
 Pulling plugin version
 Pulling plugin version
 Pulling plugin version
 Is already in store.
 Pulling plugin version

And I can see Jenkins is pulling the plugins versions:

update center download queue

Store specific version of a plugin with dependencies

When storing/promoting a specific version, the script tries to find the EXACT match. If it does not find it, it will search for a later version

The Update Center has the latest version nectar-rbac:5.12 with its dependencies stored. I run the script to store the specific version nectar-rbac:5.13 with its dependencies by specifying the following value:

  • def pluginName = 'nectar-rbac'

  • def pluginVersion = '5.13'

  • def updateCenterFullName = 'RegionA/RegionAUpdateCenter'

  • def updateCenterAction = 'STORE'

  • def updateCenterActionDryRun = false

The output shows:

Calculate required dependencies:
 Checking available versions in store...
 Does not have any suitable version in store
 Checking available versions for download...
 Does not have any suitable updates available for download
 [ERROR] No suitable version(s) found in store or for download


!!! Found inconsistencies during the calculation of dependencies. Have a look at '[ERROR]' messages) !!!

That’s because this specific version of nectar-rbac is not available in store and there is no exact match or more recent version in the upstream source.

In that case where you really need a specific version, you can upload nectar-rbac:5.13 manually in the update center and then re-run the script:


Required Dependencies

Download required dependencies:
 Is already in store.
 Is already in store.
 Is already in store.
 Is already in store.
 Is already in store.
 Is already in store.

Promote upstream version of a plugin with dependencies

The Update Center has the latest version nectar-rbac:5.12 with its dependencies stored for that upstream source but none is promoted. I run the script to promote the latest version of nectar-rbac with its dependencies by specifying the following value:

  • def pluginName = 'nectar-rbac'

  • def pluginVersion = ''

  • def updateCenterFullName = 'RegionA/RegionAUpdateCenter'

  • def updateCenterAction = 'PROMOTE'

  • def updateCenterActionDryRun = false

The output shows that the plugin versions have been promoted:


Required Dependencies

Promote required dependencies:
 Promoting plugin version
 Promoting plugin version
 Promoting plugin version
 Promoting plugin version
 Promoting plugin version
 Promoting plugin version

And the update center shows the version is promoted as expected:

update center promote upstream

Promote specific version of a plugin with dependencies

When storing/promoting a specific version, the script tries to find the EXACT match. If it does not find it, it will search for a later version

It has several versions of nectar-rbac stored: 5.12 (promoted), 5.13, 5.15. I run the script to promote the specific version nectar-rbac:5.13 with its dependencies by specifying the following value:

  • def pluginName = 'nectar-rbac'

  • def pluginVersion = '5.13'

  • def updateCenterFullName = 'RegionA/RegionAUpdateCenter'

  • def updateCenterAction = 'PROMOTE'

  • def updateCenterActionDryRun = false

The output shows that the plugin versions have been promoted:


Required Dependencies

Promote required dependencies:
 Is already promoted.
 Is already promoted.
 Is already promoted.
 Is already promoted.
 Promoting plugin version
 Is already promoted.

And the update center shows the version is promoted as expected:

update center promote specific

Going Further

Storing plugins versions requires Jenkins to perform tasks that are puts in the queue. For this reason, the script does not execute a "store and promote" in one go. Instead you need to run the script STORE action first and when plugins downloads are completed rerun it with the PROMOTE action. Another solution could be to promote the plugins to the latest version in store as shown in the promotePlugins method.