Required Data: SSH dedicated agents

Article ID:115000775892
1 minute readKnowledge base


Any kind of communication issue between Jenkins controller and a dedicated SSH agent.

Required Data SSH dedicated agents

This article describes how to collect the minimum required information for communication issues between a Jenkins controller and a SSH agent so that it can be efficiently troubleshooted.

If the required data is bigger than 50 MB you will not be able to use ZenDesk to upload all the information. On this case we would like to encourage you to use our upload service in order to attach all the required information.


  • CloudBees Jenkins Platform (CJP)

  • Operations Center (OC)

  • Client controller (CM)

  • CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise (CJE)

Required Data check list

  • Time and Date the issue was exposed

  • Support bundle

  • Agent name

  • Agent config.xml

  • Agent logs

  • controller logs

Support bundle

A support bundle from the Jenkins instance after the issue is exposed. Please, follow the KB below in case you don’t know how to generate a support bundle.

Agent name

The name of the agent under Manage Jenkins -> Manage Nodes

Agent config.xml

It is possible to access to the agent config.xml from the UI. You just need to add at the end of the item URL config.xml. i.e https://<JENKINS_URL>/computer/<AGENT_NAME>/config.xml.

<slave> <name>unix-agent</name> <description/> <remoteFS>/home/vagrant/agent</remoteFS> <numExecutors>1</numExecutors> <mode>NORMAL</mode> <retentionStrategy class="hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$Always"/> <launcher class="hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher" plugin="ssh-slaves@1.11"> <host></host> <port>2222</port> <credentialsId>358aae70-309a-4e9e-a522-71a85b96920b</credentialsId> <jvmOptions></jvmOptions> <maxNumRetries>0</maxNumRetries> <retryWaitTime>0</retryWaitTime> </launcher> <label/> <nodeProperties> <org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectNodeProperty plugin="envinject@1.93.1"> <unsetSystemVariables>true</unsetSystemVariables> </org.jenkinsci.plugins.envinject.EnvInjectNodeProperty> </nodeProperties> </slave>

Agent logs

controller logs

Attach the controller logs around the time the issue is exposed that you can directly find in the UI under Manage Jenkins-> System Log -> All Jenkins Logs.

Notice that the idea is to correlate the controller logs with the agent logs at the time the issue is exposed.