Required Data Java Heap Memory Issue On Windows

Article ID:115001653587
2 minute readKnowledge base


  • Your Jenkins instance is experiencing high Java heap utilitzation.


  • CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise (CJE)

  • CloudBees Jenkins Platform (CJP)

  • Operating System: Windows


Request the jenkinsjmap.bat script via a Support Ticket.

Your environment should be configured as documented in Prepare CloudBees CI for Support.

If you are experiencing high Java heap utilization please collect the following data while the issue is occurring:

  1. Generate a Support Bundle, including System properties, controller Log Recorders, Garbage Collection Logs, Slow Request Records, Out Of Memory Errors, controller Heap Histogram, Deadlock Records, Thread dumps of running Pipeline builds, Thread dumps and Items Content.

  2. Run the jenkinsjmap.bat as an administrator in one of the following modes:

    • ./jenkinsjmap.bat PID - for default mode which generates jmap -heap output and jmap -histo output

    • ./jenkinsjmap.bat PID 1 - for heapdump mode which generates jmap -heap output, jmap -histo output, and a heapdump file binary format

    The data will be generated in the same directory where the script is ran.

    + In case you could not run jenkinsjmap.bat to get a heap dump by [adding to your existing JAVA_ARGS][] -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, then the next time an out of memory exception is thrown the JVM will generate a heap dump file. You can also set -XX:HeapDumpPath=SPECIFY_PATH to have the heap dump written to that location. Besides, the classic way explained in How to generate a heap dump.

  3. Upload the Support Bundle to your support ticket for review. Compress the data generated by the jenkinsjmap.bat script and upload it via our upload site. Please update your support ticket with the name of the file. Please note that the Support Core plugin v2.35 and higher will include the verbose gc logs. If you are using an older version please include the verbose gc logs in the compressed data uploaded to our upload site.