How can I deny my developers to have access to the item controller configuration?

2 minute readKnowledge base


We have a requirement to allow teams to have access to Job/Configure without any permissions within Client/Managed Controller Configure and Client/Managed Controller Lifecycle. We can not allow development teams to override the configuration on their controllers.


First of all, it is worth noting that enabling the permission Job/Configure greys out the permissions Client/Managed Controller Configure and Client/Managed Controller Lifecycle, because granting the former implies granting the latter.

That being said, let’s explain how this use case can be covered. First, in the role matrix, you have to add a create role granting the permission Job/Create. (browse and develop roles are the default ones added besides administer when selecting RBAC → Typical initial setup (ignoring existing authorization strategy)).

Role Matrix

Then, using the principles to achieve RBAC granularity from RBAC: Limit folder access, we will configure browser, developer, and create groups as shown in the following screenshot.

RBAC Groups controller level

Then, we will configure the browser group at current level without propagation at CJOC and at controller level:

Browse Role assignment

Following, we will configure the developer group at child level with propagation at controller level:

Develop Role assignment

Finally, we will configure the create group at current level without propagation at controller level:

Create Role assignment

You can check the results from the previous RBAC configuration in the below 3 screenshots (at CJOC level, at controller level, and at job level, respectively).

Working example cjoc level
Working example controller level
Working example at Job level