How to reconnect a Client-controller Stuck on Registration?

Article ID:217266457
2 minute readKnowledge base


  • The client controller is attached to the CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center (CJOC) but not able to obtain a license, and is stuck on the registration screen

  • One of the following errors occur when trying to enter connection details:

  • Error "CloudBees Operations Center not configured to issue a license"

  • Error "Oops something went wrong"

  • Error "Invalid license"

  • Error "Invalid certificate"

  • Error "Failed to read the existing licenseERROR: Subscription has expired"


This s not a standard procedure and should be carried out as a last resort to connect a client controller to CJOC!

You need to purge the CJOC configuration for your controller, and recreate the client controller connection from scratch following these steps:

1 [CJOC]: Release and Delete the client-controller you have the issue with**

2 [controller]: Stop instance

3 [controller]: Delete the following files for the controller to entirely remove the link to CJOC:

  • $JENKINS_HOME/license.xml

  • $JENKINS_HOME/operations-center-cloud*

  • $JENKINS_HOME/operations-center-client*

  • $JENKINS_HOME/com.cloudbees.opscenter.client.plugin.OperationsCenterRootAction.xml

4 [controller]: Disable Security in the controller by editing $JENKINS_HOME/config.xml. Locate this line: <useSecurity>true</useSecurity> and changing it to <useSecurity>false</useSecurity>

5 [controller]: Start the Master

7 [CJOC]: Configure the Licensing strategy that you want to use

8 [CJOC]: Connect the client controller either by push configuration from CJOC or manually from the Master

9 At this stage, if the connection does not work and you are still stuck on the registration screen, you need to ask support for an evaluation license to get past the registration screen.

10 [controller]:The client controller may need to be restarted to complete license registration.

11 [CJOC]- Optional: Operations center might be keeping values in cache that prevent provisioning of a new controller. If this procedure did not get you past the registration screen, you may have to restart CJOC. Re-do the procedure, stop CJOC in step 2 and start CJOC in step 6.