How to get the XML definition for a view that is inside a folder?

Article ID:235534607
1 minute readKnowledge base


  • Is it possible to dump the view definition XML to stdout ? (The view is in the folder).


  • Jenkins

  • Jenkins LTS

  • CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise (CJE)

  • CloudBees Jenkins Operation Center (CJOC)

  • CloudBees Folders Plugin


In order to get the information of one or more views inside a folder you should use the Jenkins Script Console. For that you should navigate to Manage Jenkins -→ Script Console, and run the following script.

import com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.* jen = Jenkins.instance jen.getItems().each{ if(it instanceof Folder){ println "Folder found" processFolder(it) } if(it instanceof View){ println "View found"+ } } return void processFolder(Item folder){ def buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream() def newOut = new PrintStream(buf) def saveOut = System.out def viewNameList = [] folder.getItems().each{ println "processing..." + folder.getViews().each(){ if(it instanceof View && != "All") { if(!( in viewNameList)){ viewNameList << println "View " + it.writeXml(buf) } } } println buf.toString() println " " } }

This script uses a very simple approach, and gets all the elements existing at root level for your instance, and if the element is a folder, it processes all the views included in it (except for the All view). It is quite straightforward to extend the script in a way that you can process recursively all the elements, or to get the information only for views matching a given pattern or inside a given folder.

See also: