Why is the option 'Launch agent by connecting it to the controller' not available

Article ID:360029791092
1 minute readKnowledge base


  • When creating a new node, the option to "Launch agent by connecting it to the controller" is not available in the "Launch method"

  • When creating a new node, the option to "Launch agent via Java Web Start" is not available in the "Launch method" field:

node launcher no jnlp option


Note that before 2.176.1 the "Launch agent by connecting it to the controller" used to be known as "Launch agent via Java Web Start" and "TCP port for inbound agents" as "TCP port for JNLP agents".

The option "Launch agent by connecting it to the controller" is only available if the inbound agents port is enabled (i.e. the TcpSlaveAgentListener is running).

The inbound agents port can be enabled under Manage Jenkins  Configure Global Security  Agents  TCP port for inbound agents. Once enabled, the option "Launch agent by connecting it to the controller" will be available in the configuration of the Jenkins Nodes.

It is recommended to use a Fixed agent port for better manageability.