KBEA-00116 - Changing the Cluster Manager debug level

Article ID:360032825652
1 minute readKnowledge base


You want to temporarily increase the Cluster Manager debug level so it captures more information for debugging purposes.


Run the following in cmtool:

cmtool login admin

cmtool setDebugLevel --category "com.electriccloud" --level DEBUG

cmtool setDebugLevel --category "com.electriccloud.accelerator.server.XmlRequestHandlerImpl" --level DEBUG

The log file is located at <`ECloud Install `>\<`arch>\logs\accelerator.log.`

After you finish debugging, change the Cluster Manager debug level back to its normal setting. Run the following in cmtool:

cmtool login admin

cmtool setDebugLevel --category "com.electriccloud" --level INFO

cmtool setDebugLevel --category "com.electriccloud.accelerator.server.XmlRequestHandlerImpl" --level INFO

Applies to

  • Product versions: All

  • OS versions: All