Agent Management API reference

34 minute readReference

This section describes agent management-related requests.

All database examples provided in this guide are specific to MySQL. If you use a different database, use syntax that is appropriate for your respective database.


Changes the agent enabled status of one or more agents.

Required arguments

Field Description


Possible values are true or false.

Optional arguments

If no agent name, agent ID, or filter is specified, all agents are changed.
Field Description


Unique, internal number that can change; assigned by the Cluster Manager.


Name defined by the host where the agent resides (numbers and/or letters).


A SQL query used to limit the result set. For a list of possible SQL values, see the getAgents command.

There is a syntax difference between MySQL and Oracle/MS SQL for enclosing criteria when using this argument for specific strings—for MySQL, use double quotes; for Oracle/MS SQL, use single quotes.


cmtool changeAgentsEnabled <enabled> [optionals...]


cmtool changeAgentsEnabled false

Disables all agents in the cluster.

cmtool changeAgentsEnabled true --agentName linagent1

Enables the agent named “linagent1”.

cmtool changeAgentsEnabled true --filter "agent_name LIKE ’winbuild1-%’"

Enables all agents with a name that begins with “winbuild1-”.


Creates a new agent comment.

Required arguments

Either agentId or agentName must also be specified.
Field Description


The comment text.

Optional arguments

Field Description


Unique, internal number that can change; assigned by the Cluster Manager.


Name defined by the host where the agent resides (numbers and/or letters).


cmtool createAgentComment <text> [optionals...]


cmtool createAgentComment --agentName linagent "Agent has been running great"

Creates a comment for an agent named “linagent”.


Creates a new cloud credential definition.

Required arguments

Field Description


The user-defined name for this credential.


The cloud provider type. Use the getCloudProviders command for a list of currently supported providers.


A formatted JSON list of fields that describes this credential. The set of fields varies with the type of cloud resource.

Field Description

Kubernetes credentials:


Image that is used by the resource that you specified via the --emake-resource option when invoking eMake to launch the instance.


Name of the Kubernetes namespace within which the deployed services should be discovered. Defaults to the default namespace.

Microsoft Azure credentials:


The tenant ID (GUID) from the Azure active directory.


The subscription ID (GUID), which is a unique alphanumeric string identifying your Azure subscription.


The Application ID (GUID) from the Azure application.


The secret key (GUID) created from the client ID for the Azure application.

Amazon EC2 credentials:


Unique identifier that is associated with a secret_access_key. The access key ID and the secret access key are used together to sign programmatic AWS requests cryptographically.


Used in conjunction with the access_key_id to cryptographically sign programmatic AWS requests. Signing a request identifies the sender and prevents request alteration. You can generate secret access keys for your AWS account, individual IAM users, and temporary sessions.


Used if you are using the Cluster Manager server IAM role instead of the access_key_id and secret_access_key to cryptographically sign programmatic AWS requests.

You must set up the appropriate permissions for the IAM role. For the list of required permissions, see see Configuring Amazon EC2 for Agent Cloud Bursting - Setting Up a Server IAM Role.


Named set of AWS resources in the same geographical area. A region comprises at least two Availability Zones.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) credentials:

<GCP Credential>

  • If specifying a credential using a service account, use the contents of the service account file as the value specified with cloudCredentialData.

    The service account file is a JSON file generated by creating a key for a service account in the Google Cloud Platform Console.

  • If specifying the credential as the service account that was used to start the instance where the Cluster Manager is running, specify the literal string: {"credential_provider" : "Server_IAM_Role"}.

Optional arguments

Field Description


A user-defined description for this credential.


cmtool createCloudCredential <cloudCredentialName> [optionals...]


Create an EC2 cloud credential named my_cred (line break added for readability).

cmtool createCloudCredential 'my_cred' --cloudProviderType 'ec2' --cloudCredentialData "{"region":"us-west-1", "access_key_id":"ABCDEFGHKLMNOPQRST", "secret_access_key":"ABCDEFGHKLMNOPQRST12345678"}"


Creates a new resource definition.

Required arguments

Field Description


Unique name for the resource definition. The name can contain numbers and letters.

This is also the name that you specify in the --emake-resource=resourcename command, in the build class’ Resource Request field (on the web interface), or as the environment variable EMAKE_RESOURCE.

Optional arguments

Field Description


(For cloud resources) A formatted list of fields that describe the resource. The set of fields varies with the type of cloud resource.

Kubernetes resources:


This is the image that is used by the resource that you specified via the --emake-resource option when invoking eMake to launch the instance.


The name of the Kubernetes namespace within which the deployed services should be discovered. Defaults to the default namespace.


(Optional) Define and use labels that identify semantic attributes of your application or deployment.


(Optional) The image pull policy and the tag of the image affect when the kubelet attempts to pull the specified image.

Always —the image is pulled every time the pod is started.

If Not Present —the image is pulled only if it is not already present locally.

Never —the image is assumed to exist locally. No attempt is made to pull the image.

Default is Always if :latest label is specified; otherwise, If Not Present. Cannot be updated.

By default, the kubelet tries to pull each image from the specified registry. However, if the Image Pull Policy of the container is set to If Not Present or Never, then a local image is used preferentially or exclusively, respectively.

If you want to rely on pre-pulled images as a substitute for registry authentication, you must ensure all nodes in the cluster have the same pre-pulled images. This can be used to pre-load certain images for speed or as an alternative to authenticating to a private registry.

Microsoft Azure resources:


Azure region in which cloud burst agent instances will be launched.


Name of the Azure resource group where metadata for the cloud burst agent instances will be stored.


The Azure image name with preinstalled on-demand agent that is used to launch cloud burst instances.


Specifies the Azure virtual machine size that defines the memory, CPU, storage capacity, and usage cost for a managed virtual machine.


The type of storage account for the cloud burst agent virtual machine disk.


The name of the Azure Virtual Network (VNet) where cloud burst agent instances are launched.

Amazon EC2 resources:


Amazon EC2 image name that is used to launch cloud burst agent instances.


Distinct location within a region that is insulated from failures in other Availability Zones.


Information provided from AWS EC2 specification that defines the memory, CPU, storage capacity, and usage cost for an instance.


Set of security credentials that you use to prove your identity electronically. A key pair consists of a private key and a public key. You use the private key to create a digital signature, and then AWS uses the corresponding public key to validate the signature.


Named set of allowed inbound network connections for an instance. Security groups in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) also include support for outbound connections.


Segment of the IP address range of a VPC that Amazon EC2 instances can be attached to. You can create subnets to group instances according to security and operational needs.


If set to true, cloud bursting will launch Amazon EC2 spot instances. If the launch fails for some reason, like MaximumSpotInstanceCountExceeded, the code tries again to launch a regular instance. Possible values are true or false.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources:


Unique name for the GCP image to be used to create the instance.


Type for a particular collection of virtualized hardware resources available to a VM instance, including the system memory size, virtual CPU (vCPU) count, and maximum persistent disk capability.


Deployment area for GCP resources. This is the GCP zone where the cloud burst agents will be started.


Type of the node VM boot disk to use to create the instance. Select the most appropriate disk type from the provided list .


This is the name of the GCP VPC network used to start the cloud burst agents. The cluster manager must have been configured with the selected network. For custom mode GCP VPC networks, the subnetwork must also be specified.


If the GCP VPC network selected was created in custom mode, this is the name of the subnetwork used to start cloud burst agents. The subnetwork must be in the GCP region of the specified zone. For auto mode GCP VPC networks, the value is default.


Extra (custom) tags to add to the GCP agent instance at launch time. These tags are visible in the instance properties as custom metadata. These are in addition to CB-Name, which is the tag that CloudBees Build Acceleration uses to indicate that it started the instance.

To add extra tags, you set the variable to a comma-separated list of key:value pairs. For example: Name:MyAgent, ProvisionedBy:CB


If set to true, cloud bursting will launch GCP preemptible instances which can help save Compute Engine costs. Possible values are true or false.

Field Description


(For cloud resources) The period of time before idle agents are terminated. When the build finishes, any agents it used are available for use with other builds using the same resource. If no other build uses an agent, that agent becomes idle. If a cloud burst agent is idle for 15 minutes (by default), the instance hosting that agent will be terminated automatically by the Cluster Manager.


(For cloud resources) The number of agents installed on the image used to create the instance. This value is used to determine how many instances are launched.


(For cloud resources) The name of an existing credential set that is used for connection to cloud provider. Use the getCloudCredentials command for a list of credentials.


(For cloud resources) The cloud provider type. Use the getCloudProviders command for a list of currently supported providers.


A user-defined description for this resource.


(For static resources) This is a semi-colon delimited list of host name masks, used to identify the list of hosts that support a resource. This field is empty if no static hosts have been configured.

Host name masks follow the same standard globbing rules as Make. (Globbing lets you use a pattern to match one or more files.)

Pattern arguments may contain any of the following special characters:

*—Matches any sequence of zero or more characters

?—Matches any single character

[…​]—Matches a set or range of characters. For example, myhost [1-9] matches the hosts myhost1 through myhost9.

\—Escapes the following characters


cmtool createResource <resourceName> <hostMasks> [optionals...]


Create a new resource named R29 that only uses hosts whose names start with ’rs’ or ’rt’.

cmtool createResource R29 "rs*; rt*" --description "rs or rt hosts"

Create a new EC2 cloud resource named myEC2 (line breaks added for readability).

cmtool createResource myEC2 --cloudProviderType ec2 --cloudCredential my_ec2_cred --cloudConfigData "{"instance_type":"t2.micro","security_group":"sg-abcdefgh","keypair_name":"my_keypair", "availability_zone":"us-west-1a","subnet_id":"subnet-1234567","ami_name":"Agent_Image_EC2", "extra_tags":"resource_name:my_resource"}" --cloudIdleTimeout 10

Create a new GCP cloud resource named myGCP (line breaks added for readability).

cmtool createResource myGCP --cloudProviderType gcp --cloudCredential my_gcp_cred --cloudConfigData "{"image_name": "myagent", "machine_type": "n1-standard-1", "zone": "us-west1-b", "disk_type": "pd-standard", "network_name": "default", "subnet_name": "default", "additional_metadata": "Company:CB,Group:A"}" --cloudIdleTimeout 5 --cloudInstanceAgents 15

Create a new Kubernetes cloud resource named myK8S (line breaks added for readability).

cmtool createResource myK8S --cloudProviderType kubernetes --cloudCredential my_kube_cred --cloudConfigData "{"imageName":"mygithub/agent_image","namespace":"default", "labels":"os:ubuntu,version:test","imagePullPolicy":"Never"}" --cloudIdleTimeout 2


Creates a new resource comment.

Required arguments

Field Description


A unique number that identifies each resource.


The comment text.

Optional arguments



cmtool createResourceComment <resourceId> <text>


cmtool createResourceComment 2 "This resource identifies production servers"

Creates a comment for resource 2.


Deletes an agent comment.

Required arguments

Either agentId or agentName must also be specified.
Field Description


The unique key that identifies a comment. Use the getAgentComments command to get a list of comment ID numbers.

Optional arguments

Field Description


Unique, internal number that can change; assigned by the Cluster Manager.


Name defined by the host where the agent resides (numbers and/or letters).


cmtool deleteAgentComment <commentId> [optionals...]


cmtool deleteAgentComment 1008 --agentId 14

Deletes comment 1008 from agent 14 (14 is the Cluster Manager internal ID for the agent). To find out what the appropriate comment ID is, use the the getAgentComments command command, which will list the comments attached to a particular agent.


Deletes one or more agents, including all dependent records.

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Field Description


Unique, internal number that can change; assigned by the Cluster Manager.


Name defined by the host where the agent resides (numbers and/or letters).


A SQL query used to limit the result set. For a list of possible SQL values, see the getAgents command.


cmtool deleteAgents [optionals...]


cmtool deleteAgents --agentName winbuild1

Deletes agent “winbuild1” and all associated comments.


Deletes a cloud credential definition.

Required arguments

Field Description


A unique number that identifies each cloud credential. Use the the getCloudCredentials command command to get a list of cloud credential IDs.

Optional arguments



cmtool deleteCloudCredential <cloudCredentialId>


cmtool deleteCloudCredential 1

Deletes a cloud credential with cloudCredentialId 3.


Deletes a set of cloud credentials.

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Field Description


A SQL query used to limit the result set. For a list of possible SQL values, see the getCloudCredentials command.


cmtool deleteCloudCredentials [optionals...]


cmtool deleteCloudCredentials

Deletes all cloud credentials.


Deletes a resource definition.

You cannot delete the default resource.

Required arguments

Field Description


A unique number that identifies each resource. Use the getResources command to get a list of resource IDs.

Optional arguments



cmtool deleteResource <resourceId>


cmtool deleteResource 3

Deletes the resource definition for resource 3.


Deletes multiple resource definitions.

You cannot delete the default resource.

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Field Description


A SQL query used to limit the result set. For a list of possible SQL values, see the getResources command.


cmtool deleteResources [optionals...]


cmtool deleteResources

Deletes all resource definitions.


Deletes a resource comment.

Required arguments

Field Description


A unique number that identifies each resource.


The unique key that identifies a comment. Use the getResourceComments command to get a list of comment IDs.

Optional arguments



cmtool deleteResourceComment <resourceId> <commentId>


cmtool deleteResourceComment 3 49

Deletes comment 49 from resource 3.


Retrieves a list of related agent comments, or a specific comment (by using the --commentId option).

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Field Description


Unique, internal number that can change; assigned by the Cluster Manager.


Name defined by the host where the agent resides (numbers and/or letters).

Result tags

Field Description


The unique key that identifies a comment.


The time when the item was created.


The user who last modified the item.


The time when the item was last modified.


The text of the item.


cmtool getAgentComments [optionals...]


cmtool getAgentComments --agentName ahost-3

Retrieves all comments for agent “ahost-3”.


Retrieves the performance log of one or more agents.

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Field Description


Unique, internal number that can change; assigned by the Cluster Manager.


Name defined by the host where the agent resides (numbers and/or letters).


A list of agents whose performance you want to see.


Further restricts the returned agents to those running a specific build ID.


Can be 1 or 0. Choose active or inactive agents only.


Can be 1 or 0. Choose enabled or disabled agents only.

Result tags

Field Description


This is the name of the agent as it appears on the web page (product UI).


This is the performance information of the agent.


cmtool getAgentPerformance [optionals...]


cmtool getAgentPerformance --agentName SOL1-1

Returns the performance log of the agent named “SOL1-1”.


Retrieves a list of agents.

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Field Description


Unique, internal number that can change; assigned by the Cluster Manager.


Name defined by the host where the agent resides (numbers and/or letters).


A SQL query used to limit the result set. See the possible values below.

There is a syntax difference between MySQL and Oracle/MS SQL for enclosing criteria when using this argument for specific strings—for MySQL, use double quotes; for Oracle/MS SQL, use single quotes.


The maximum number of elements to return from a query.


The starting index for the query result set.

This argument takes values beginning with 0. A negative value indicates a record starting from the end of the set, counting backwards, so -1 is the last record, -2 is the next to last, and so on.


A SQL order by clause. Used to specify ordering for the query result set.


Set to one of the following: details —returns all information. info —returns a reduced information set.

You must set this argument to details in order to print fields that are part of the details category.

Result tags and SQL query names

Field Description


The agent to agent protocol communication port. SQL query name for --filter and --order: a2a_port


A unique, internal number assigned to each agent by the Cluster Manager; this number can change. SQL query name for --filter and --order: id


A name defined by the host where the agent resides (numbers and/or letters). SQL query name for --filter and --order: agent_name


The agent version string. SQL query name for --filter and --order: agent_version


This is a count of ’max’ or ’first’ results if --maxResults or --firstResult is specified. SQL query name for --filter and --order: N/A


A unique number assigned by the Cluster Manager for each build. SQL query name for --filter and --order: current_build_id


The build name that is the expanded build class tag. SQL query name for --filter and --order: N/A


The agent console port. SQL query name for --filter and --order: console_port


The EFS version string. SQL query name for --filter and --order: efs_version


The flag indicating if an agent is enabled or not. SQL query name for --filter and --order: enabled


The number of internal agent errors. SQL query name for --filter and --order: error_count


The name of the machine where eMake was invoked. SQL query name for --filter and --order: host_name


A flag indicating eMake had a recent problem with this agent. SQL query name for --filter and --order: N/A


The agent IP address. SQL query name for --filter and --order: ip_address


The last time the agent experienced an error. SQL query name for --filter and --order: last_error_time


The last time the agent was pinged to determine its status. SQL query name for --filter and --order: last_ping_time


The operating system being used or supported. If an OS is specified for a build class, builds from other operating systems cannot affiliate themselves with this class. SQL query name for --filter and --order: platform


The agent protocol communication port. SQL query name for --filter and --order: port


The number of agent restarts. SQL query name for --filter and --order: restart_count


The agent status. 1= OK, but anything else is an error code. SQL query name for --filter and --order: status


If the last status update resulted in an error, it contains the error string (or the “OK” string if no error occurred). SQL query name for --filter and --order: status_detail


The agent web server port. SQL query name for --filter and --order: web_port


cmtool getAgents [optionals...]


cmtool getAgents --filter "agent_name like ’%SOL%’"

Retrieves a list of all agents whose names start with “SOL”.


Retrieves the state of one or more agents. By default, only active agents are returned. Use --status 0 to list inactive agents.

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Field Description


Unique, internal number that can change; assigned by the Cluster Manager.


Name defined by the host where the agent resides (numbers and/or letters).


A list of agents whose status you want to see.


Further restricts the returned agents to those running a specific build ID.


Can be 1 or 0. Choose active or inactive agents only.


Can be 1 or 0. Choose enabled or disabled agents only.

Result tags

Field Description


This is the name of the agent as it appears on the web page (product UI).


This is the text string that describes the current state of the agent.


cmtool getAgentStatus [optionals...]


cmtool getAgentStatus --agentName SOL1-1

Returns the status of the agent named “SOL1-1”.


Get full details for the specified cloud credential.

Required arguments

Field Description


The credential Id assigned by the system at create time. Use the getCloudCredentials command to retrieve the list of available credentials with their IDs.

Optional arguments


Result tags

Field Description


The credential Id assigned by the system at create time. Use the getCloudCredentials command to retrieve the list of available credentials with their IDs.


The user-defined name for this credential.


The cloud provider type. Use the getCloudProviders command for a list of currently supported providers.


A formatted JSON list of fields that describes this credential. The set of fields varies with the type of cloud resource:

|Field |Description

2+|Kubernetes credentials:

|token |Image that is used by the resource that you specified via the --emake-resource option when invoking eMake to launch the instance.

|endpoint |Name of the Kubernetes namespace within which the deployed services should be discovered. Defaults to the default namespace.

2+|Microsoft Azure credentials:

|tenantId |The tenant ID (GUID) from the Azure active directory.

|subscriptionID |The subscription ID (GUID), which is a unique alphanumeric string identifying your Azure subscription.

|clientID |The Application ID (GUID) from the Azure application.

|clientSecret |The secret key (GUID) created from the client ID for the Azure application.

2+|Amazon EC2 credentials:

|access_key_id |Unique identifier that is associated with a secret_access_key. The access key ID and the secret access key are used together to sign programmatic AWS requests cryptographically.

|secret_access_key |Used in conjunction with the access_key_id to cryptographically sign programmatic AWS requests. Signing a request identifies the sender and prevents request alteration. You can generate secret access keys for your AWS account, individual IAM users, and temporary sessions.

|server_iam_role |Used if you are using the Cluster Manager server IAM role instead of the access_key_id and secret_access_key to cryptographically sign programmatic AWS requests.

You must set up the appropriate permissions for the IAM role. For the list of required permissions, see see Configuring Amazon EC2 for Agent Cloud Bursting - Setting Up a Server IAM Role.

|region |Named set of AWS resources in the same geographical area. A region comprises at least two Availability Zones.

2+|Google Cloud Platform (GCP) credentials:

|<GCP Credential>

| * If specifying a credential using a service account, use the contents of the service account file as the value specified with cloudCredentialData.

+ The service account file is a JSON file generated by creating a key for a service account in the Google Cloud Platform Console.

  • If specifying the credential as the service account that was used to start the instance where the Cluster Manager is running, specify the literal string: {"credential_provider" : "Server_IAM_Role"}.


A user-defined description for this credential.


cmtool getCloudCredential <cloudCredentialId>


cmtool getCloudCredential 1

Retrieves cloud credential with cloudCredentialId 1.


Retrieve a list of all cloud credentials.

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Field Description


A SQL query used to limit the result set. See the possible values below.

There is a syntax difference between MySQL and Oracle/MS SQL for enclosing criteria when using this argument for specific strings—for MySQL, use double quotes; for Oracle/MS SQL, use single quotes.


The maximum number of elements to return from a query.


The starting index for the query result set.

This argument takes values beginning with 0. A negative value indicates a record starting from the end of the set, counting backwards, so -1 is the last record, -2 is the next to last, and so on.


A SQL order by clause. Used to specify ordering for the query result set.


Set to one of the following: details —returns all information. info —returns a reduced information set.

You must set this argument to details in order to print fields that are part of the details category.

Result tags

A list of cloudCredential objects, each with the following fields.

Field Description


The credential Id assigned by the system at create time.


The user-defined name for this credential.


The cloud provider type. Use the getCloudProviders command for a list of currently supported providers.


A formatted JSON list of fields that describes this credential. The set of fields varies with the type of cloud resource:

|Field |Description

2+|Kubernetes credentials:

|token |Image that is used by the resource that you specified via the --emake-resource option when invoking eMake to launch the instance.

|endpoint |Name of the Kubernetes namespace within which the deployed services should be discovered. Defaults to the default namespace.

2+|Microsoft Azure credentials:

|tenantId |The tenant ID (GUID) from the Azure active directory.

|subscriptionID |The subscription ID (GUID), which is a unique alphanumeric string identifying your Azure subscription.

|clientID |The Application ID (GUID) from the Azure application.

|clientSecret |The secret key (GUID) created from the client ID for the Azure application.

2+|Amazon EC2 credentials:

|access_key_id |Unique identifier that is associated with a secret_access_key. The access key ID and the secret access key are used together to sign programmatic AWS requests cryptographically.

|secret_access_key |Used in conjunction with the access_key_id to cryptographically sign programmatic AWS requests. Signing a request identifies the sender and prevents request alteration. You can generate secret access keys for your AWS account, individual IAM users, and temporary sessions.

|server_iam_role |Used if you are using the Cluster Manager server IAM role instead of the access_key_id and secret_access_key to cryptographically sign programmatic AWS requests.

You must set up the appropriate permissions for the IAM role. For the list of required permissions, see see Configuring Amazon EC2 for Agent Cloud Bursting - Setting Up a Server IAM Role.

|region |Named set of AWS resources in the same geographical area. A region comprises at least two Availability Zones.

2+|Google Cloud Platform (GCP) credentials:

|<GCP Credential>

| * If specifying a credential using a service account, use the contents of the service account file as the value specified with cloudCredentialData.

+ The service account file is a JSON file generated by creating a key for a service account in the Google Cloud Platform Console.

  • If specifying the credential as the service account that was used to start the instance where the Cluster Manager is running, specify the literal string: {"credential_provider" : "Server_IAM_Role"}.


A user-defined description for this credential.


cmtool getCloudCredentials [optionals...]


cmtool getCloudCredentials --order cloudCredentialName

Retrieves cloud credentials sorted by their name.


Retrieves current information about the cloud provider (Amazon EC2, Azure, GCP, or Kubernetes) that is in use.

Required arguments


Optional arguments


Result ags

Field Description


Displays the following status messages for Amazon EC2, Azure, GCP, or Kubernetes (depending on the type of cloud provider that is in use).


Displays the latest message in the list of available messages.


Displays an individual message.


cmtool getCloudInformation


cmtool getCloudInformation
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <responses xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="accelerator-output.xsd" version="2.0"> <response requestId="1"> <cloudHostManagerStatus> <lastMessage>DEBUG Setting up check stalled resource timer thread:60000</lastMessage> <messages> <message>2017-11-16T19:36:25.408 DEBUG Setting up idle host timer thread:30000</message> <message>2017-11-16T19:36:25.409 DEBUG Setting up clean CloudResource timer thread:60000</message> <message>2017-11-16T19:36:25.410 DEBUG Setting up check stalled resource timer thread:60000</message> </messages> </cloudHostManagerStatus> </response> </responses>


Retrieves information about all jobs submitted to the cloud provider that is in use.

Required arguments


Optional arguments


Result tags

Field Description


Cloud provider instance ID.


Cloud instance ID (also called a cloud job ID) assigned for the job.


Cloud host where the agents reside.


Time when the status was retrieved.


Platform of the host where the agents reside.


The user-defined resource name assigned at resource-create time.


Indicates if the job is stalled.


Status of the agent host (such as pending, running, or shutting down).


Date and time when the job was requested.


cmtool getCloudJobs


cmtool getCloudJobs
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<responses xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="accelerator-output.xsd" version="2.0"> <response requestId="1"> <cloudJob> <id>i-0aca17d5cd971f99c</id> <hostName>ip-172-31-47-204</hostName> <lastUpdatedAt>2017-11-16T19:48:53.039Z</lastUpdatedAt> <platform>linux</platform> <resourceName>eaAgent</resourceName> <stalled>0</stalled> <state>running</state> <submittedAt>2017-11-16T19:48:25.443Z</submittedAt> </cloudJob> <cloudJob> <id>i-0b1285de24559f33c</id> <hostName>ip-172-31-40-113</hostName> <lastUpdatedAt>2017-11-16T19:49:42.336Z</lastUpdatedAt> <platform>linux</platform> <resourceName>eaAgent</resourceName> <stalled>0</stalled> <state>running</state> <submittedAt>2017-11-16T19:49:18.679Z</submittedAt> </cloudJob> <cloudJob> <id>i-0f0ece89aa7130b8b</id> <hostName>ip-172-31-39-146</hostName> <lastUpdatedAt>2017-11-16T19:49:42.336Z</lastUpdatedAt> <platform>linux</platform> <resourceName>eaAgent</resourceName> <stalled>0</stalled> <state>pending</state> <submittedAt>2017-11-16T19:49:42.335Z</submittedAt> </cloudJob> </response> </responses>


Retrieves a list of all available cloud providers.

Required arguments


Optional arguments


Result tags

A cloudProvider element is returned for each supported provider.

Field Description


The name of the provider; currently supported providers are ec2, azure, gcp, and kubernetes.


cmtool getCloudProviders


cmtool getCloudProviders

Retrieves a list of all available cloud providers.


Returns full details for the specified resource.

Required arguments

Field Description


A unique number that identifies each resource. Use the getResources command to retrieve a list of resource IDs.

Optional arguments


Result tags

Field Description


(For cloud resources) A formatted list of fields that describe the resource. The set of fields varies with the type of cloud resource.

Kubernetes resources:


This is the image that is used by the resource that you specified via the --emake-resource option when invoking eMake to launch the instance.


The name of the Kubernetes namespace within which the deployed services should be discovered. Defaults to the default namespace.


(Optional) Define and use labels that identify semantic attributes of your application or deployment.


(Optional) The image pull policy and the tag of the image affect when the kubelet attempts to pull the specified image.

Always —the image is pulled every time the pod is started.

If Not Present —the image is pulled only if it is not already present locally.

Never —the image is assumed to exist locally. No attempt is made to pull the image.

Default is Always if :latest label is specified; otherwise, If Not Present. Cannot be updated.

By default, the kubelet tries to pull each image from the specified registry. However, if the Image Pull Policy of the container is set to If Not Present or Never, then a local image is used preferentially or exclusively, respectively.

If you want to rely on pre-pulled images as a substitute for registry authentication, you must ensure all nodes in the cluster have the same pre-pulled images. This can be used to pre-load certain images for speed or as an alternative to authenticating to a private registry.

Microsoft Azure resources:


Azure region in which cloud burst agent instances will be launched.


Name of the Azure resource group where metadata for the cloud burst agent instances will be stored.


The Azure image name with preinstalled on-demand agent that is used to launch cloud burst instances.


Specifies the Azure virtual machine size that defines the memory, CPU, storage capacity, and usage cost for a managed virtual machine.


The type of storage account for the cloud burst agent virtual machine disk.


The name of the Azure Virtual Network (VNet) where cloud burst agent instances are launched.

Amazon EC2 resources:


Amazon EC2 image name that is used to launch cloud burst agent instances.


Distinct location within a region that is insulated from failures in other Availability Zones.


Information provided from AWS EC2 specification that defines the memory, CPU, storage capacity, and usage cost for an instance.


Set of security credentials that you use to prove your identity electronically. A key pair consists of a private key and a public key. You use the private key to create a digital signature, and then AWS uses the corresponding public key to validate the signature.


Named set of allowed inbound network connections for an instance. Security groups in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) also include support for outbound connections.


Segment of the IP address range of a VPC that Amazon EC2 instances can be attached to. You can create subnets to group instances according to security and operational needs.


If set to true, cloud bursting will launch Amazon EC2 spot instances. If the launch fails for some reason, like MaximumSpotInstanceCountExceeded, the code tries again to launch a regular instance. Possible values are true or false.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources:


Unique name for the GCP image to be used to create the instance.


Type for a particular collection of virtualized hardware resources available to a VM instance, including the system memory size, virtual CPU (vCPU) count, and maximum persistent disk capability.


Deployment area for GCP resources. This is the GCP zone where the cloud burst agents will be started.


Type of the node VM boot disk to use to create the instance. Select the most appropriate disk type from the provided list .


This is the name of the GCP VPC network used to start the cloud burst agents. The cluster manager must have been configured with the selected network. For custom mode GCP VPC networks, the subnetwork must also be specified.


If the GCP VPC network selected was created in custom mode, this is the name of the subnetwork used to start cloud burst agents. The subnetwork must be in the GCP region of the specified zone. For auto mode GCP VPC networks, the value is default.


Extra (custom) tags to add to the GCP agent instance at launch time. These tags are visible in the instance properties as custom metadata. These are in addition to CB-Name, which is the tag that CloudBees Build Acceleration uses to indicate that it started the instance.

To add extra tags, you set the variable to a comma-separated list of key:value pairs. For example: Name:MyAgent, ProvisionedBy:CB


If set to true, cloud bursting will launch GCP preemptible instances which can help save Compute Engine costs. Possible values are true or false.

Field Description


(For cloud resources) Existing credential set that is used for connection to cloud provider. See the getCloudCredentials command for a list of credentials.


(For cloud resources) The period of time before idle agents are terminated. When the build finishes, any agents it used are available for use with other builds using the same resource. If no other build uses an agent, that agent becomes idle. If a cloud burst agent is idle for 15 minutes (by default), the instance hosting that agent will be terminated automatically by the Cluster Manager.


(For cloud resources) The number of agents installed on the image used to create the instance. This value is used to determine how many instances are launched.


(For cloud resources) The cloud provider type. Use the getCloudProviders command for a list of currently supported providers.


(For static hosts) This is a semi-colon delimited list of host name masks, used to identify the list of hosts that support a resource. This field is empty if no static hosts have been configured.

Host name masks follow the same standard globbing rules as Make. (Globbing lets you use a pattern to match one or more files.)

Pattern arguments may contain any of the following special characters:

*—Matches any sequence of zero or more characters

?—Matches any single character

[…​]—Matches a set or range of characters. For example, myhost [1-9] matches the hosts myhost1 ` through `myhost9.

\—Escapes the following characters


(For static hosts) The number of active agents running on the matching hosts. This comes into play only if the resource configures static hosts.


(For cloud resources) The number of active agents running on cloud bust hosts. This field is set to zero unless there are agents available from cloud bursting.


(For cloud resources) The number of cloud burst hosts from the cluster instantiated for this resource. Applicable if the resource configures a cloud provider and it is in use.


(For static hosts) The number of static hosts from the list of static hosts associated with this resource. Applicable if the resources configures static hosts.


A unique number that identifies each resource.


This name is used on the eMake parameter: --emake-resource, and can be specified in a build class.


cmtool getResource <resourceId>


cmtool getResource 7

Retrieves resource 7.


Retrieves a list of all resources.

Required arguments


Optional arguments

Field Description


A SQL query used to limit the result set. See the possible values below.

There is a syntax difference between MySQL and Oracle/MS SQL for enclosing criteria when using this argument for specific strings—for MySQL, use double quotes; for Oracle/MS SQL, use single quotes.


The maximum number of elements to return from a query.


The starting index for the query result set.

This argument takes values beginning with 0. A negative value indicates a record starting from the end of the set, counting backwards, so -1 is the last record, -2 is the next to last, and so on.


A SQL order by clause. Used to specify ordering for the query result set.


Set to one of the following: details —returns all information. info —returns a reduced information set.

You must set this argument to details in order to print fields that are part of the details category.


This is a count of ’max’ or ’first’ results if --maxResults or --firstResult is specified. SQL query name for --filter and --order: N/A


This is a semi-colon delimited list of host name masks, used to identify the list of hosts that support a resource. “*” is the wildcard character. SQL query name for --filter and --order: host_masks


A unique number that identifies each resource. SQL query name for --filter and --order: id


This name is used on the eMake parameter: --emake-resource, and can be specified in a build class. SQL query name for --filter and --order: resource_name

Result tags

Field Description


(For cloud resources) A formatted list of fields that describe the resource. The set of fields varies with the type of cloud resource.

Kubernetes resources:


This is the image that is used by the resource that you specified via the --emake-resource option when invoking eMake to launch the instance.


The name of the Kubernetes namespace within which the deployed services should be discovered. Defaults to the default namespace.


(Optional) Define and use labels that identify semantic attributes of your application or deployment.


(Optional) The image pull policy and the tag of the image affect when the kubelet attempts to pull the specified image.

Always —the image is pulled every time the pod is started.

If Not Present —the image is pulled only if it is not already present locally.

Never —the image is assumed to exist locally. No attempt is made to pull the image.

Default is Always if :latest label is specified; otherwise, If Not Present. Cannot be updated.

By default, the kubelet tries to pull each image from the specified registry. However, if the Image Pull Policy of the container is set to If Not Present or Never, then a local image is used preferentially or exclusively, respectively.

If you want to rely on pre-pulled images as a substitute for registry authentication, you must ensure all nodes in the cluster have the same pre-pulled images. This can be used to pre-load certain images for speed or as an alternative to authenticating to a private registry.

Microsoft Azure resources:


Azure region in which cloud burst agent instances will be launched.


Name of the Azure resource group where metadata for the cloud burst agent instances will be stored.


The Azure image name with preinstalled on-demand agent that is used to launch cloud burst instances.


Specifies the Azure virtual machine size that defines the memory, CPU, storage capacity, and usage cost for a managed virtual machine.


The type of storage account for the cloud burst agent virtual machine disk.


The name of the Azure Virtual Network (VNet) where cloud burst agent instances are launched.

Amazon EC2 resources:


Amazon EC2 image name that is used to launch cloud burst agent instances.


Distinct location within a region that is insulated from failures in other Availability Zones.


Information provided from AWS EC2 specification that defines the memory, CPU, storage capacity, and usage cost for an instance.


Set of security credentials that you use to prove your identity electronically. A key pair consists of a private key and a public key. You use the private key to create a digital signature, and then AWS uses the corresponding public key to validate the signature.


Named set of allowed inbound network connections for an instance. Security groups in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) also include support for outbound connections.


Segment of the IP address range of a VPC that Amazon EC2 instances can be attached to. You can create subnets to group instances according to security and operational needs.


If set to true, cloud bursting will launch Amazon EC2 spot instances. If the launch fails for some reason, like MaximumSpotInstanceCountExceeded, the code tries again to launch a regular instance. Possible values are true or false.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources:


Unique name for the GCP image to be used to create the instance.


Type for a particular collection of virtualized hardware resources available to a VM instance, including the system memory size, virtual CPU (vCPU) count, and maximum persistent disk capability.


Deployment area for GCP resources. This is the GCP zone where the cloud burst agents will be started.


Type of the node VM boot disk to use to create the instance. Select the most appropriate disk type from the provided list .


This is the name of the GCP VPC network used to start the cloud burst agents. The cluster manager must have been configured with the selected network. For custom mode GCP VPC networks, the subnetwork must also be specified.


If the GCP VPC network selected was created in custom mode, this is the name of the subnetwork used to start cloud burst agents. The subnetwork must be in the GCP region of the specified zone. For auto mode GCP VPC networks, the value is default.


Extra (custom) tags to add to the GCP agent instance at launch time. These tags are visible in the instance properties as custom metadata. These are in addition to CB-Name, which is the tag that CloudBees Build Acceleration uses to indicate that it started the instance.

To add extra tags, you set the variable to a comma-separated list of key:value pairs. For example: Name:MyAgent, ProvisionedBy:CB


If set to true, cloud bursting will launch GCP preemptible instances which can help save Compute Engine costs. Possible values are true or false.

Field Description


(For cloud resources) Existing credential set that is used for connection to cloud provider. See the getCloudCredentials command for a list of credentials.


(For cloud resources) The period of time before idle agents are terminated. When the build finishes, any agents it used are available for use with other builds using the same resource. If no other build uses an agent, that agent becomes idle. If a cloud burst agent is idle for 15 minutes (by default), the instance hosting that agent will be terminated automatically by the Cluster Manager.


(For cloud resources) The number of agents installed on the image used to create the instance. This value is used to determine how many instances are launched.


(For cloud resources) The cloud provider type. Use the getCloudProviders command for a list of currently supported providers.


(For static hosts) This is a semi-colon delimited list of host name masks, used to identify the list of hosts that support a resource. This field is empty if no static hosts have been configured.

Host name masks follow the same standard globbing rules as Make. (Globbing lets you use a pattern to match one or more files.)

Pattern arguments may contain any of the following special characters:

*—Matches any sequence of zero or more characters

?—Matches any single character

[…​]—Matches a set or range of characters. For example, myhost [1-9] matches the hosts myhost1 ` through `myhost9.

\—Escapes the following characters


(For static hosts) The number of active agents running on the matching hosts. This comes into play only if the resource configures static hosts.


(For cloud resources) The number of active agents running on cloud bust hosts. This field is set to zero unless there are agents available from cloud bursting.


(For cloud resources) The number of cloud burst hosts from the cluster instantiated for this resource. Applicable if the resource configures a cloud provider and it is in use.


(For static hosts) The number of static hosts from the list of static hosts associated with this resource. Applicable if the resources configures static hosts.


A unique number that identifies each resource.


This name is used on the eMake parameter: --emake-resource, and can be specified in a build class.


cmtool getResources [optionals...]


cmtool getResources --order resource_name

Retrieves a list of resources ordered by the resource name.


Retrieves resource comments.

Required arguments

Field Description


A unique that identifies each resource.

Optional arguments

Field Description


A unique key that identifies a comment.


cmtool getResourceComments <resourceId> [optionals...]


cmtool getResourceComments 29

Retrieves comments for resource 29.


Modifies an agent comment.

Required arguments

Either agentId or agentName must also be specified.
Field Description


A unique key that identifies a comment.


The comment text.

Optional arguments

Field Description


Unique, internal number that can change; assigned by the Cluster Manager.


Name defined by the host where the agent resides (numbers and/or letters).


cmtool modifyAgentComment <commentId> <text> [optionals...]


cmtool modifyAgentComment 1037 "changed comment" --agentName SOL1-1

Changes comment number 1037 on agent SOL1-1 to “changed comment”.


Modifies an existing cloud credential definition.

Required arguments

Field Description


The system-assigned Id for this credential. Use the getCloudCredentials command for a list of credential Ids.

Optional arguments

Field Description


A user-defined description for this credential.


The name of the credential.


The cloud provider type. Use the getCloudProviders command for a list of currently supported providers.


A formatted JSON list of fields that describes this credential. The set of fields varies with the type of cloud resource:

|Field |Description

2+|Kubernetes credentials:

|token |Image that is used by the resource that you specified via the --emake-resource option when invoking eMake to launch the instance.

|endpoint |Name of the Kubernetes namespace within which the deployed services should be discovered. Defaults to the default namespace.

2+|Microsoft Azure credentials:

|tenantId |The tenant ID (GUID) from the Azure active directory.

|subscriptionID |The subscription ID (GUID), which is a unique alphanumeric string identifying your Azure subscription.

|clientID |The Application ID (GUID) from the Azure application.

|clientSecret |The secret key (GUID) created from the client ID for the Azure application.

2+|Amazon EC2 credentials:

|access_key_id |Unique identifier that is associated with a secret_access_key. The access key ID and the secret access key are used together to sign programmatic AWS requests cryptographically.

|secret_access_key |Used in conjunction with the access_key_id to cryptographically sign programmatic AWS requests. Signing a request identifies the sender and prevents request alteration. You can generate secret access keys for your AWS account, individual IAM users, and temporary sessions.

|server_iam_role |Used if you are using the Cluster Manager server IAM role instead of the access_key_id and secret_access_key to cryptographically sign programmatic AWS requests.

You must set up the appropriate permissions for the IAM role. For the list of required permissions, see see Configuring Amazon EC2 for Agent Cloud Bursting - Setting Up a Server IAM Role.

|region |Named set of AWS resources in the same geographical area. A region comprises at least two Availability Zones.

2+|Google Cloud Platform (GCP) credentials:

|<GCP Credential>

| * If specifying a credential using a service account, use the contents of the service account file as the value specified with cloudCredentialData.

+ The service account file is a JSON file generated by creating a key for a service account in the Google Cloud Platform Console.

  • If specifying the credential as the service account that was used to start the instance where the Cluster Manager is running, specify the literal string: {"credential_provider" : "Server_IAM_Role"}.


cmtool modifyCloudCredential <cloudCredentialId> [optionals...]


cmtool modifyCloudCredential 1 --description "New description"

Modifies a cloud credential with an ID of 1.


Modifies a resource definition.

Required arguments

Field Description


A unique number that identifies each resource.

Optional arguments

Field Description


(For cloud resources) A formatted list of fields that describe the resource. The set of fields varies with the type of cloud resource.

Kubernetes resources:


This is the image that is used by the resource that you specified via the --emake-resource option when invoking eMake to launch the instance.


The name of the Kubernetes namespace within which the deployed services should be discovered. Defaults to the default namespace.


(Optional) Define and use labels that identify semantic attributes of your application or deployment.


(Optional) The image pull policy and the tag of the image affect when the kubelet attempts to pull the specified image.

Always —the image is pulled every time the pod is started.

If Not Present —the image is pulled only if it is not already present locally.

Never —the image is assumed to exist locally. No attempt is made to pull the image.

Default is Always if :latest label is specified; otherwise, If Not Present. Cannot be updated.

By default, the kubelet tries to pull each image from the specified registry. However, if the Image Pull Policy of the container is set to If Not Present or Never, then a local image is used preferentially or exclusively, respectively.

If you want to rely on pre-pulled images as a substitute for registry authentication, you must ensure all nodes in the cluster have the same pre-pulled images. This can be used to pre-load certain images for speed or as an alternative to authenticating to a private registry.

Microsoft Azure resources:


Azure region in which cloud burst agent instances will be launched.


Name of the Azure resource group where metadata for the cloud burst agent instances will be stored.


The Azure image name with preinstalled on-demand agent that is used to launch cloud burst instances.


Specifies the Azure virtual machine size that defines the memory, CPU, storage capacity, and usage cost for a managed virtual machine.


The type of storage account for the cloud burst agent virtual machine disk.


The name of the Azure Virtual Network (VNet) where cloud burst agent instances are launched.

Amazon EC2 resources:


Amazon EC2 image name that is used to launch cloud burst agent instances.


Distinct location within a region that is insulated from failures in other Availability Zones.


Information provided from AWS EC2 specification that defines the memory, CPU, storage capacity, and usage cost for an instance.


Set of security credentials that you use to prove your identity electronically. A key pair consists of a private key and a public key. You use the private key to create a digital signature, and then AWS uses the corresponding public key to validate the signature.


Named set of allowed inbound network connections for an instance. Security groups in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) also include support for outbound connections.


Segment of the IP address range of a VPC that Amazon EC2 instances can be attached to. You can create subnets to group instances according to security and operational needs.


If set to true, cloud bursting will launch Amazon EC2 spot instances. If the launch fails for some reason, like MaximumSpotInstanceCountExceeded, the code tries again to launch a regular instance. Possible values are true or false.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources:


Unique name for the GCP image to be used to create the instance.


Type for a particular collection of virtualized hardware resources available to a VM instance, including the system memory size, virtual CPU (vCPU) count, and maximum persistent disk capability.


Deployment area for GCP resources. This is the GCP zone where the cloud burst agents will be started.


Type of the node VM boot disk to use to create the instance. Select the most appropriate disk type from the provided list .


This is the name of the GCP VPC network used to start the cloud burst agents. The cluster manager must have been configured with the selected network. For custom mode GCP VPC networks, the subnetwork must also be specified.


If the GCP VPC network selected was created in custom mode, this is the name of the subnetwork used to start cloud burst agents. The subnetwork must be in the GCP region of the specified zone. For auto mode GCP VPC networks, the value is default.


Extra (custom) tags to add to the GCP agent instance at launch time. These tags are visible in the instance properties as custom metadata. These are in addition to CB-Name, which is the tag that CloudBees Build Acceleration uses to indicate that it started the instance.

To add extra tags, you set the variable to a comma-separated list of key:value pairs. For example: Name:MyAgent, ProvisionedBy:CB


If set to true, cloud bursting will launch GCP preemptible instances which can help save Compute Engine costs. Possible values are true or false.

Field Description


(For cloud resources) The period of time before idle agents are terminated. When the build finishes, any agents it used are available for use with other builds using the same resource. If no other build uses an agent, that agent becomes idle. If a cloud burst agent is idle for 15 minutes (by default), the instance hosting that agent will be terminated automatically by the Cluster Manager.


(For cloud resources) The number of agents installed on the image used to create the instance. This value is used to determine how many instances are launched.


(For cloud resources) The cloud provider type. Use the getCloudProviders command for a list of currently supported providers.


(For cloud resources) The name of an existing credential set that is used for connection to cloud provider. Use the getCloudCredentials command for a list of credentials.


A user-defined description for this resource.


(For static resources) This is a semi-colon delimited list of host name masks, used to identify the list of hosts that support a resource. This field is empty if no static hosts have been configured.

Host name masks follow the same standard globbing rules as Make. (Globbing lets you use a pattern to match one or more files.)

Pattern arguments may contain any of the following special characters:

*—Matches any sequence of zero or more characters

?—Matches any single character

[…​]—Matches a set or range of characters. For example, myhost [1-9] matches the hosts myhost1 through myhost9.

\—Escapes the following characters


Unique name for the resource definition. The name can contain numbers and letters.

This is also the name that you specify in the --emake-resource=resourcename command, in the build class’ Resource Request field (on the web interface), or or as the environment variable EMAKE_RESOURCE.

You cannot edit the name of the default resource.


cmtool modifyResource <resourceId> [optionals...]


cmtool modifyResource 27 --hostMasks "SOL*; SRL*"

Sets the host masks for resource 27 to “SOL*; SRL*”.


Modifies a resource comment. Use the getResources command to retrieve a list of resource IDs.

Required arguments

Field Description


A unique number that identifies each resource.


A unique key that identifies a comment.


The comment text.

Optional arguments



cmtool modifyResourceComment <resourceId> <commentId> <text>


cmtool modifyResourceComment 1 1015 "new test resource"

Changes comment 1015 for resource 1.


Sets the agent debug level (see the getAgentStatus command). This command sends a message to the agent(s) in real time; therefore, the agents must be up and connected to the Cluster Manager to have any effect.

Required arguments

Field Description


The debug level value. Can be: all commands environment fileinfo log other profile registry requests state test usage nothing.

Optional arguments

Field Description


Unique, internal number that can change; assigned by the Cluster Manager.


Name defined by the host where the agent resides (numbers and/or letters).


Can be 1 or 0. Choose active or inactive agents only.


Further restricts the returned agents to those running a specific build ID.


Can be 1 or 0. Choose enabled or disabled agents only.


Specifies individual agents based on their host name and listening port using this format: <host>[:<port>[:<agentKey>]]

Result tags

Field Description


The name of the configured agent.


The configuration result.


cmtool setAgentDebug <level> [optionals...]


cmtool setAgentDebug profile --agentName SOLAgent-4

Sets SOLAgent-4’s debug level to “profile”.