EC1015 Invalid emake root directory: "[dir]"

Article ID:360033193571
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Invalid emake root directory: "[dir]"

The directory specified in the error message was given as an emake root, but the path could not be found or accessed; or it could be accessed but the path identifies a non-directory file.


At startup emake attempts to validate each path specified as an emake root to ensure that it exists, is accessible to the user invoking the build, and that it is a directory. Error code EC1015 indicates that one of these tests failed. Note that emake will resolve symlinks and relative paths before attempting to locate the directory. For example, if the root is specified as "./foo", where "foo" is a symlink to "/another/location", emake will verify the existence, accessibility and nature of "/another/location" rather than of "./foo".


This error will be shown if the directory specified in the error message meets any of the following criteria:

  1. The path or any component of the path does not exist.

  2. The path or any component of the path is not accessible to the user invoking emake.

  3. The path specifies a non-directory object, such as an ordinary file


  1. Verify that the path specified in the error message is actually needed for your build. If not, remove it from your emake root specification.

  2. If the path is required for your build, verify that the path exists and is accessible by the user invoking the build. On Unix platforms, try "ls -ld path "; on Windows, try "dir path". If the path does not exist or is not accessible, create it or change the permissions to grant the user access.

  3. If the path exists and is accessible by the user invoking the build, verify that it is a directory. If it is not a directory but you expect it to be, consider deleting the path and creating a directory in its place; if it is a not a directory and you expect it not to be a directory, consider using the parent directory in your emake root specification (eg, "/foo/bar" instead of "/foo/bar/file.txt").

Notes for Isilon filers

DISCLAIMER: Consult Isilon support before making any changes to your Isilon filer configuration. Information related to Isilon filers is presented with no express or implied warranty. In no event shall Electric Cloud, Inc., be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in
contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this information.

Some customers have reported seeing ElectricAccelerator error EC1015 when a directory specified as an emake root is hosted on an Isilon filer, if the filer is not configured to support 32-bit applications on 64-bit hosts, and if using the 32-bit emake client on a 64-bit host. In this case, adding


to /etc/mcp/override/sysctl.conf on the Isilon server may resolve this issue.