Why is my OpenShisft installation failing with 'permission denied'?

Article ID:360033328672
1 minute readKnowledge base


Following the Install Guide to set up CloudBees Core on Openshift results in errors like the ones shown below:

ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/jenkins_home/configure-jenkins.groovy.d': Permission denied
cp: cannot create directory '/var/jenkins_home/configure-jenkins.groovy.d': Permission denied

We are using portworx-sc as default storage class.


The default storage class is not among the ones verified and supported Out Of the box by the product. And this storage class requires additional configurations to be made to other elements across the cluster such as Service Account or Security Context Constraints.

In order to get the product deployed as expected, one option would be to set as default storage class one of the supported and verified such as nfs-for-openshift as shown in the Reference Architecture for OpenShift document.

If you want to use your new storage class you would need to adapt the settings so that the provisioner accepts non-root user access, you will be able to find how to get it done in the provisioner documentation site:

Tested product/plugin versions