I’m seeing the following exception being thrown in my builds.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/websphere/management/exception/ConnectorException
CloudBees CI (CloudBees Core) on modern cloud platforms - Managed controller
CloudBees CI (CloudBees Core) on modern cloud platforms - Operations Center
CloudBees CI (CloudBees Core) on traditional platforms - Client controller
CloudBees CI (CloudBees Core) on traditional platforms - Operations Center
CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise
CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise - Managed controller
CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise - Operations center
This exception has been traced back to the 'Deploy to Websphere' plugin (id websphere-deployer). The plugin requires several Websphere related jar files to be put into the Jenkins classpath.
The workaround or resolution is to uninstall the plugin if you are no longer using it or ensure that you install the missing libraries per the "Required Libraries For Deployments To IBM WebSphere Application Server".