Default update site connectivity check failed

Article ID:360051050191
2 minute readKnowledge base


Your controller is failing to start with the error message in the web UI:

Default update site connectivity check failed with fatal error: Cannot check connection status of the update site with ID='cje-offline'. This update center cannot be resolved. If you see this issue for the custom Jenkins WAR bundle, consider setting the correct value of the hudson.model.UpdateCenter.defaultUpdateSiteId system property (requires Jenkins restart). Otherwise please create a bug in Jenkins JIRA.

In the log, you may see:

2020-09-05 22:50:38.738+0000 [id=62]    WARNING hudson.license.LicenseManager#<init>: Failed to read the existing license
ERROR: Subscription has expired <a href='#' class='showDetails'>(show details)</a><pre style='display:none'> NotAfter: Sun Jun 28 11:33:39 EDT 2020


If you encounter this issue, please open a support ticket and attach a support bundle, your $JENKINS_HOME/cb-envelope file, and your $JENKINS_HOME/hudson.model.UpdateCenter.xml file so we can inspect the cause.


To work around this issue, stop your controller, and move the $JENKINS_HOME/cb-envelope and $JENKINS_HOME/hudson.model.UpdateCenter.xml files to backup files:

mv $JENKINS_HOME/cb-envelope $JENKINS_HOME/cb-envelope.bak
mv $JENKINS_HOME/hudson.model.UpdateCenter.xml $JENKINS_HOME/hudson.model.UpdateCenter.xml.bak

Then start the controller again (these files will be regenerated upon startup).

If you still see the problem after doing that step, and in your startup logs you see the message:

INFO [Loading item ...] jenkins.install.SetupWizard.init


Jenkins initial setup is required. An admin user has been created and a password generated.
Please use the following password to proceed to installation:


This may also be found at: /jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword


SEVERE [Loading item ...] hudson.model.UpdateCenter.updateDefaultSite Upgrading Jenkins. Cannot retrieve the default Update Site 'core-cm-offline'. Plugin installation may fail.

This is evidence that your instance is encountering the issue The setup wizard shows after updating an instance to 2.277.1.x, so you should add the -Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false startup argument to your instance.

Tested product/plugin versions

CloudBees Jenkins Platform - controller