My controller is not able to be configured per its linked Configuration as Code Bundle.
My controller is able to be configured per Configuration as Code, but some of the features are not being configured correctly.
Required Data for Configuration as Code (CasC) for controllers
This article describes how to collect the required information for troubleshooting Configuration as Code for Modern or Traditional plataforms.
If the required data is bigger than 50 MB you will not be able to use ZenDesk to upload all the information. In this case, we would like to encourage you to use our upload service in order to attach all the required information.
CloudBees CI (CloudBees Core) on modern cloud platforms - Managed controller
CloudBees CI (CloudBees Core) on modern cloud platforms - Operations Center
CloudBees CI (CloudBees Core) on traditional platforms - Client controller
CloudBees CI (CloudBees Core) on traditional platforms - Operations Center
Required Data check list
Support bundle
A support bundle from the Operation cneter and controller after the Configuration as Code attempt
Configuration as Code bundle
The bundle containing the list of files listed for the different Platforms
Start-up logs
Once the instance is linked to the CasC bundle, the CloudBees CI controller logs when the instance is started. If the controller comes up, it can be attached along with the support bundle if the option controller Log Recorders
is enabled.
Connection logs of the Controller in the Operation Center
This logs can be obtained in different ways:
They are attached to a support bundle if the option
Client controllers Connection Logs
is enabled. -
In the Controller’s file system,
In Operation Center UI, browse to the "Example Controller" >
Configuration of the Controller
The configuration of the Controller (config.xml
) you are having the issues with from the Operation Center $JENKINS_HOME/jobs
You can also get the Controller item directory as described in How to get a Job / Folder directory.
Exceptionally, when you do not have access to the filesystem copy its configuration in an xml file as result as the output of accessing to its /config.xml endpoint. Example: From the URI of an example job in the browser its configuration can be taken from