KBEA-00041 - Collecting a remote parse log

Article ID:360032828032
1 minute readKnowledge base


You want to collect a remote parse log and remote parse output.


When Electric Make (eMake) parses the makefiles for a single make instance, it runs a copy of itself on the host in a special mode called remote parse. Remote parse output creates a block of data that is sent back to the main eMake for distributing the jobs within that submake.

There are two distinct types of logging you can get from a remote parse invocation:

  1. The remote parse log file (like the regular eMake debug log, but from the remote parse instance)

  2. The remote parse output, the actual block of data that the remote parse sends back to eMake

Remote Parse Log

To get the remote parse log, add the following to the eMake command line for a cluster build:

--emake-rdebug=jp --emake-rlogdir=c:/ecloud

Note that a separate remote parse log is created for every make instance. A single build may create many remote parse log files. Each one has a name such as: parse__.dlog

Download all of the remote parse logs using the following command:

clusterdownload \--cm= c:\ecloud\parse_*.dlog

Remote Parse Output

To get a binary dump of a parse invocation, the remote parse output, you set the following variables:

Note that this is for a specific make instance, and is not a cluster build.

Remote Parse Output for Entire Build

As of ElectricAccelerator 4.3, there’s a new debug option to create parse logs for all the submake invocations.
Make sure the rlogdir is outside of the emake root, otherwise, parse jobs will get lost for reverted jobs.

Applies to

  • Product versions: All

  • OS versions: All