All Electric Cloud binaries are designed to automatically generate a stack trace minidump if they encounter an unexpected exception. The program will generate a program .dmp file next to the program .exe file.
You can instruct the application to generate a full minidump instead of a stack-only minidump by creating/setting the registry key program and setting the dumpType value for it:
HKLM\Software\Electric Cloud\'program':dumpType (dword)
The dword is a bitmask of MINIDUMP_TYPE values:
0 = stack only (default)
1 = stack and global vars
2 = full memory
4 = handle data
Here’s an example of how to enable full memory dumps with vars for the eMake and/or Apache programs:
Create new registry key for emake
HKLM\Software\Electric Cloud\emake
Create new registry key for Apache
HKLM\Software\Electric Cloud\Apache
Then create new DWORD value for the new key
dumpType set value of dumpType = 3 (1 for vars + 2 for full memory = 3)
Forcing a Minidump
If you have a hung process (e.g., agent or eMake), you can generate a minidump file by attaching to the process with the Visual Studio .NET debugger:
Start devenv.
Find your process in the list then select Attach…
Wait for it to finish loading symbols, then select Break
Close the process window.
Enter a file name.
Change the type field to Minidump with Heap (.dmp)*
Hit Save
You now have a .dmp file on disk that contains the full memory image of the process.