emake displays this message when it is at last allocated agents and able to continue executing the build, after being stalled due to a shortage of agents.
This message that emake previously failed to acquire agents from the Cluster Manager, but now has been assigned [count] agents. This message will have been preceded by warning EC1076.
Fundamentally this message means that there are not enough enabled agents to service all currently running builds. Other builds were using all the available agents, leaving none for this build.
Note that if you have enabled a Resource Manager in the Cluster Manager, and you have specified a resource for this build, then this message means that there were not enough enabled agents matching the resource specification. There may have been unused, enabled agents on the Cluster Manager, but not part of the resource specified for this build.
Check that the Cluster Manager has enough agents available to service the currently running builds. If not, you can add agents to the cluster, or use max agent and build priority settings to limit the number of agents any single build can use, in order to make room for other concurrent builds.
If you are using resources, you should also make sure that you have specified the resource correctly. If the specification is correct, check the resource definition in the Cluster Manager (if you are using the built-in Resource Manager) to ensure it includes all the agents you intend it to include. If you are using an external Resource Manager such as LSF, check that the external resource manager is configured correctly for the resource you have specified.