You want to add Command Line Jenkins Parameter arguments to Tomcat as specified in
The major part of these parameters are useless if you deploy the war within Tomcat. They are useful only if you are using the embedded (jetty) web server.
httpPort, httpListenAddress, httpsPort, httpsListenAddress, ajp13Port, ajp13ListenAddress are all set in your server.xml at tomcat level.
prefix will be the war name (/jenkins by default) but you can change it like any other webapp in tomcat with a context.xml file (or in server.xml)
argumentsRealm.* are usable only with the embedded web server ( ) and for tomcat you have to consider to use the Standard Security Setup ( )
Xdebug .. in Tomcat you have to use the JPDA_xx settings if you want to do a remote debugging ( )