Create a Permanent Agent from Groovy Console

Article ID:218154667
3 minute readKnowledge base


  • Could I create a new unix node in Jenkins?

  • Could I create it with environment variables defined?



It is possible to manipulate nodes using a groovy script. You could create/edit nodes and add it to Jenkins. Also, you could define environment variables, tools, and other properties available from UI.

Example groovy script to add a node to Jenkins is below. It is followed by the examples of a programmatic way of configuring "Launch agent agents via SSH" launch method. It assumes that you have created a Credential required to authenticate with your agent node.

import hudson.model.*
import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.slaves.*
import hudson.slaves.EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty.Entry


// Define a "Permanent Agent"
Slave agent = new DumbSlave(
agent.nodeDescription = "Agent node description"
agent.numExecutors = 1
agent.labelString = "agent-node-label"
agent.mode = Node.Mode.NORMAL
agent.retentionStrategy = new RetentionStrategy.Always()

List<Entry> env = new ArrayList<Entry>();
env.add(new Entry("key1","value1"))
env.add(new Entry("key2","value2"))
EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty envPro = new EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty(env);


// Create a "Permanent Agent"

return "Node has been created successfully."

Launch Method

The definition of the launcher depends on the plugin being used to launch SSH Agents and the versions. There are 2 implementations of SSH launchers:

Following are the description of the Launcher definitons for the different plugin implementations and versions:

CloudBees SSH Build Agents plugin 2.0 and newer
import com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshslaves.verification.*
import com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshslaves.SSHConnectionDetails

// Pick one of the strategies from the comments below this line
ServerKeyVerificationStrategy serverKeyVerificationStrategy = new TrustInitialConnectionVerificationStrategy(false)
// = new TrustInitialConnectionVerificationStrategy(false /* "Require manual verification of initial connection" */) // "Manually trusted key verification Strategy"
// = new ManuallyConnectionVerificationStrategy("<your-key-here>") // "Manually provided key verification Strategy"
// = new KnownHostsConnectionVerificationStrategy() // "~/.ssh/known_hosts file Verification Strategy"
// = new BlindTrustConnectionVerificationStrategy() // "Non-verifying Verification Strategy"

// Define a "Launch method": "Launch agents via SSH"
ComputerLauncher launcher = new com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher(
        "host", // Host
        new SSHConnectionDetails(
                "credentialsId", // Credentials ID
                22, // port
                (String)null, // JavaPath
                (String)null, // JVM Options
                (String)null, // Prefix Start Agent Command
                (String)null, // Suffix Start Agent Command
                (boolean)false, // Log environment on initial connect
                (ServerKeyVerificationStrategy) serverKeyVerificationStrategy // Host Key Verification Strategy
CloudBees SSH Build Agents plugin 1.7 and older
import com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshslaves.SSHConnectionDetails

// Define a "Launch method": "Launch agents via SSH"
ComputerLauncher launcher = new com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher(
        "host", // Host
        new SSHConnectionDetails(
                "credentialsId", // Credentials ID
                22, // Port
                (String)null, // JavaPath
                (String)null, // JVM Options
                (String)null, // Prefix Start Agent Command
                (String)null, // Suffix Start Agent Command
                (boolean)false, // Log environment on initial connect
SSH Build Agents plugin 1.15 and newer
import hudson.plugins.sshslaves.verifiers.*

// Pick one of the strategies from the comments below this line
SshHostKeyVerificationStrategy hostKeyVerificationStrategy = new KnownHostsFileKeyVerificationStrategy()
    //= new KnownHostsFileKeyVerificationStrategy() // Known hosts file Verification Strategy
    //= new ManuallyProvidedKeyVerificationStrategy("<your-key-here>") // Manually provided key Verification Strategy
    //= new ManuallyTrustedKeyVerificationStrategy(false /*requires initial manual trust*/) // Manually trusted key Verification Strategy
    //= new NonVerifyingKeyVerificationStrategy() // Non verifying Verification Strategy

// Define a "Launch method": "Launch agents via SSH"
ComputerLauncher launcher = new hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher(
        "host", // Host
        22, // Port
        "credentialsId", // Credentials
        (String)null, // JVM Options
        (String)null, // JavaPath
        (String)null, // Prefix Start Agent Command
        (String)null, // Suffix Start Agent Command
        (Integer)null, // Connection Timeout in Seconds
        (Integer)null, // Maximum Number of Retries
        (Integer)null, // The number of seconds to wait between retries
        hostKeyVerificationStrategy // Host Key Verification Strategy
SSH Build Agents plugin between 1.7.1 and 1.15
// Define a "Launch method": "Launch agents via SSH"
ComputerLauncher launcher = new hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher(
        "host", // Host
        22, // Port
        "credentialsId", // Credentials
        (String)null, // JVM Options
        (String)null, // JavaPath
        (String)null, // Prefix Start Agent Command
        (String)null, // Suffix Start Agent Command
        (Integer)null, // Connection Timeout in Seconds
        (Integer)null, // Maximum Number of Retries
        (Integer)null // The number of seconds to wait between retries