How can I turn on HTML display of Jenkins job descriptions for a single controller?

Article ID:360016305251
1 minute readKnowledge base


  • We would like to allow one of our controllers to use a unique Markup Formatter such as HTML without allowing this across all of our controllers.


Generally, allowing the Operations Center to manage all security settings across every connected controller is desired to reduce the administrative burden of managing multiple controllers or simply to ensure consistency across controllers.

However, the CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center is flexible and can accommodate different security needs between connected controllers. An Operations Center administrator simply needs to configure Global Security to allow individual controllers the ability to 'opt out'. In so doing, the Markup Formatter can be set at the individual controller’s level.

Opt-out the controller from the Operation Center configuration (<cjoc_url>/configureSecurity)

  • Select the checkbox "Allow client controllers to opt-out" under Client controller security:

Allow client controllers to opt-out
  • Then "Opt-out" the controller from the Operations Center configuration by going to the controller configuration page on the Operation Center (<cjoc_url>/job/<controller_name>/configure) and selecting the checkbox "Opt-out" under Security Setting Enforcement:


Set up the custom configuration on the controller (<jenkins_url>/configureSecurity)

Now security settings can be set individually for this controller and we can specify the formatter to use. In our markup formatter example, you this is done browsing <jenkins_url>/configureSecurity and selecting the markup formatter under Markup Formatter:
