How to do a multiselect input in a pipeline

Article ID:115003895271
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How to do a multiselect input in a pipeline using Extended Choice Parameter plugin


Extended Choice Parameter plugin offers many options, which can be easily explored by using The snippet Generator.

Following a couple of examples:

  • Scripted Pipeline

import com.cwctravel.hudson.plugins.extended_choice_parameter.ExtendedChoiceParameterDefinition node { def multiSelect= new ExtendedChoiceParameterDefinition("name", "PT_MULTI_SELECT", "blue,green,yellow,blue", "project name", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "blue,green,yellow,blue", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", false, false, 3, "multiselect", ",") def userInput = input id: 'customID', message: 'Let\'s promote?', ok: 'Release!', parameters: [multiSelect] echo "Hello: "+ userInput }
  • Declarative Pipeline

pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Example') { input { message "Let's promote?" ok 'Release!' parameters { extendedChoice defaultValue: 'blue,green,yellow,blue', description: '', descriptionPropertyValue: 'blue,green,yellow,blue', multiSelectDelimiter: ',', name: 'favColor', quoteValue: false, saveJSONParameterToFile: false, type: 'PT_MULTI_SELECT', value: 'blue,green,yellow,blue', visibleItemCount: 5 } } steps { echo "Your favorite color is ${favColor}" } } } }

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