CloudBees Core on modern cloud platforms - Managed controller
CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise - Managed controller
Waiting for JENKINS-27413 to be fixed, uploading a file in a Pipeline involves manually copying the file from the controller to the agent.
The following sample will:
ask the end user for the file (it is assumed that it is an archive)
copy it on the agent
prove that the file is visible on the agent
archive it back to the master
// assuming you wish to upload a zip archive def uploadedFile = 'uploaded.zip' //file is uploaded to $JENKINS_HOME/$PATH_TO_THE_JOB/build/$BUILD_ID def controllerFilePath = input message: 'Upload your archive', parameters: [file(description: 'archive', name: uploadedFile)] node('agent') { stage('Copy From controller') { def localFile = getContext(hudson.FilePath).child(uploadedFile) localFile.copyFrom(controllerFilePath) sh 'ls -al' archiveArtifacts uploadedFile } }
Note that, for this to work you will have to approve two methods in the script approval screen.