A Team controller fails to start when using Role Filters

Article ID:360022668312
1 minute readKnowledge base


  • A team controller is not starting / accessible and the controller logs show the following exception:

2019-01-15 22:05:50.899+0000 [id=15]    WARNING o.e.jetty.server.HttpChannel#handleException: /teams-controller-01/login
    at java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection.addAll(Collections.java:1065)
    at nectar.plugins.rbac.groups.GroupContainerACL.hasPermission(GroupContainerACL.java:234)
    at nectar.plugins.rbac.groups.GroupContainerACL._hasPermission(GroupContainerACL.java:123)
    at nectar.plugins.rbac.groups.GroupContainerACL.hasPermission(GroupContainerACL.java:76)
    at com.cloudbees.opscenter.bluesteel.security.GlobalAdminACL.hasPermission(GlobalAdminACL.java:46)
    at hudson.security.ACL.checkPermission(ACL.java:72)
    at hudson.security.AccessControlled.checkPermission(AccessControlled.java:47)
    at jenkins.model.Jenkins.getTarget(Jenkins.java:4643)
  • CORE-1479


This issue is caused by role filters that are defined at the Team controller item level in Operations Center. Roles filters are not supported by Team controller at the moment.


The solution is to remove the role filters and restart the Team controller.

To configure the role filters of a team controller, click the black arrow next the to the team controller’s name and select Roles:

team controller config roles

Then select Filter

team controller config roles filters

Deselect all roles and hit "Apply".