The error message java.lang.Exception: Timed out waiting on license to install occurs when connecting a client controller to a CJOC

Article ID:208639397
1 minute readKnowledge base


java.lang.Exception: Timed out waiting on license to install occurs when attempting to push a license to a client controller from a CJOC.


  • CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise

  • CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center


Verify that the hostname for the client controller is correct by navigating to Manage Jenkins. Verify that there is not an error saying the HA proxy setup is broken at the top of the screen.

If not, continue to Configure System and look at the Jenkins URL under the section Jenkins Location. If running HA (active/passive), make sure this URL is pointing the HA frontend. If running SSL, make sure it includes https, otherwise it should include http.

If all of this looks correct, and the JOC server can access the client controller server(via curl -v from command line), please create a logger for on the JOC. Attach a new support bundle from the JOC to the ticket after attempting to push the license.