Get in Jenkins a stacktrace which says java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space.
How to configure the windows agents java heap settings
PermGen Space issue while deploying CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center
You might need to increase the PermGen in case you have a value under 512m, which should be enough.
They way you can modify this value depends on the distribution and depending on the agent type
In RedHat, for example, you can do it under /etc/sysconfig/jenkins using the variable JENKINS_JAVA_OPTIONS… i.e JENKINS_JAVA_OPTIONS="-XX:MaxPermSize=512m".
In Ubuntu, the Jenkins configuration file is under /etc/default/jenkins and the variable to configure is JAVA_ARGS … i.e JAVA_ARGS="-XX:MaxPermSize=512m".
Sometimes agent machines will require permgen to be increased. Depending on the type of agent that is configured will require a different method for setting any java argument.
With SSH Agents, the java process is started using an SSH command, so the "-XX:MaxPermSize=512m" can be set in the JVM Options in the Node configuration page.
With JNLP Agents launching as a service on linux, you can add the VM arguments to the startup scripts (usually in /etc/sysconfig/jenkins or /etc/default/jenkins as part of the JAVA_ARGS variable)
With JNLP Agents launching as a service on Windows requires modifications to be made on the jenkins.xml file which is located on agent machine in the JENKINS_HOME directory.