Why are my SVN builds failing after upgrading my controller?

Article ID:360038989631
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After upgrading my controller above LTS 2.176.4 my SVN builds have started failing with the following stack trace:

07:16:04 FATAL: Jenkins.instance is missing. Read the documentation of Jenkins.getInstanceOrNull to see what you are doing wrong.
07:16:04 Also: hudson.remoting.Channel$CallSiteStackTrace: Remote call to JenkinsAgent_SSNPD
07:16:04 at hudson.remoting.Channel.attachCallSiteStackTrace(Channel.java:1741)
07:16:04 at hudson.remoting.UserRequest$ExceptionResponse.retrieve(UserRequest.java:356)
07:16:04 at hudson.remoting.Channel.call(Channel.java:955)
07:16:04 at hudson.FilePath.act(FilePath.java:1069)
07:16:04 at hudson.FilePath.act(FilePath.java:1058)
07:16:04 at hudson.scm.SubversionSCM.checkout(SubversionSCM.java:897)
07:16:04 at hudson.scm.SubversionSCM.checkout(SubversionSCM.java:833)
07:16:04 at hudson.scm.SCM.checkout(SCM.java:505)
07:16:04 at hudson.model.AbstractProject.checkout(AbstractProject.java:1205)


This is a known issue of the Subversion plugin. This issue has been tracked in the public Jira as JENKINS-58343.

In order to resolve the issue, you will need to upgrade the SVN plugin to the version 2.13 or higher. This will require the SCM Api plugin to be upgraded as well as it is a dependency for the Subversion plugin plugin.

If you use the plugin manager, the dependency will be updated automatically.

Tested product/plugin versions