Moving a job into a folder doesn’t preserve Unix symbolic links like lastFailedBuild
, lastSuccessfulBuild
, lastUnsuccessfulBuild
, lastStableBuild
, lastUnstableBuild
in the builds folder.
Links are replaced by real folders (ref: CJP-3875).
After the move operation, you can see this exception in Jenkins logs:
Nov 25, 2015 3:10:50 PM jenkins.model.PeepholePermalink updateCache WARNING: Failed to update hudson.model.FreeStyleProject@19dcf7e4[folder/bob] lastUnsuccessfulBuild permalink for folder/bob #1 java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException: /home/dudu/tmp/jenkins-home/jobs/folder/jobs/bob/builds/lastUnsuccessfulBuild at sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.implDelete( at sun.nio.fs.AbstractFileSystemProvider.delete( at java.nio.file.Files.delete( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at hudson.Util.deleteFile( at hudson.util.AtomicFileWriter.commit( at jenkins.model.PeepholePermalink.writeSymlink( at jenkins.model.PeepholePermalink.updateCache(
After the move, Jenkins is not able to update symlink and fails with this exception:
Nov 25, 2015 3:15:14 PM jenkins.model.PeepholePermalink updateCache WARNING: Failed to update hudson.model.FreeStyleProject@19dcf7e4[folder/bob] lastUnsuccessfulBuild permalink for folder/bob #2 java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException: /home/dudu/tmp/jenkins-home/jobs/folder/jobs/bob/builds/lastUnsuccessfulBuild at sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.implDelete( at sun.nio.fs.AbstractFileSystemProvider.delete( at java.nio.file.Files.delete( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
The new version 1.8.2 of the operations-center-context
plugin contains the fix on broken symbolic links after a move/copy/promote operation.
The new version avoids to create new erroneous directories but it won’t repair existing broken directories.
To fix your Jenkins client controller instance (on Linux):
Upgrade the
plugin to a version >= 1.8.2 -
Stop your jenkins instance
Manually delete all erroneous directories from the disk under
. -
You can find them in your logs with
grep --no-filename --color -r -s "permalink" ${JENKINS_HOME}/logs/
You can also find them on the filesystem with
find ${JENKINS_HOME}/jobs/ -type d \( -name lastFailedBuild -o -name lastSuccessfulBuild -o -name lastUnsuccessfulBuild -o -name lastStableBuild -o -name lastUnstableBuild -o -name lastFailed -o -name lastSuccessful -o -name lastUnsuccessful -o -name lastStable -o -name lastUnstable \)
You can delete all of them (ALWAYS DO A BACKUP BEFORE) with
find ${JENKINS_HOME}/jobs/ -type d \( -name lastFailedBuild -o -name lastSuccessfulBuild -o -name lastUnsuccessfulBuild -o -name lastStableBuild -o -name lastUnstableBuild -o -name lastFailed -o -name lastSuccessful -o -name lastUnsuccessful -o -name lastStable -o -name lastUnstable \) -exec rm -rfv "{}" \;
Restart jenkins which will recreate the correct symbolic links.
To fix your Jenkins client controller instance (on Windows):
Upgrade the
plugin to a version >= 1.8.2 -
Stop your jenkins instance
Manually delete all erroneous directories from the disk under
. -
You can find them on the filesystem with
cd "%JENKINS_HOME%\jobs" dir lastFailedBuild /ad /s /b > dirs-to-delete.list dir lastSuccessfulBuild /ad /s /b >> dirs-to-delete.list dir lastUnsuccessfulBuild /ad /s b/ >> dirs-to-delete.list dir lastStableBuild /ad /s b/ >> dirs-to-delete.list dir lastUnstableBuild /ad /s b/ >> dirs-to-delete.list dir lastFailed /ad /s b/ >> dirs-to-delete.list dir lastSuccessful /ad /s b/ >> dirs-to-delete.list dir lastUnsuccessful /ad /s b/ >> dirs-to-delete.list dir lastStable /ad /s b/ >> dirs-to-delete.list dir lastUnstable /ad /s b/ >> dirs-to-delete.list
Create backups of directories with
for /f %i in (dirs-to-delete.list) do echo d | xcopy /f /y %i %i.bak
Verify that a copy of the directory has been created
Delete originals with
for /f %i in (dirs-to-delete.list) do rmdir /q /s %i
Restart jenkins which will recreate the correct symbolic links.