Make a Snapshot of indices
Sometimes before doing an operation over the cluster we need to make a snapshot of the data on it. To do that we can create a new snapshot repository and create a new snapshot. This script lists the available snapshot repositories.
#get all backup repositories export ES_USR="YOUR_USERNAME" export ES_PASSWD="YOUR_PASSWORD" export DOMAIN="ES_URL" curl -u $ES_USR:$ES_PASSWD -XGET "$DOMAIN/_snapshot/_all?pretty"
This script creates a new snapshot repository named backup
, this repository will store their data into /usr/share/elasticsearch/snapshot/elasticsearch/backup folder.
export ES_USR="YOUR_USERNAME" export ES_PASSWD="YOUR_PASSWORD" export DOMAIN="ES_URL" export REPO="backup" curl -XPUT -u $ES_USR:$ES_PASSWD "$DOMAIN/_snapshot/$REPO?pretty" -d '{ "type": "fs", "settings": { "compress": "true", "location": "/usr/share/elasticsearch/snapshot/elasticsearch/backup"}}'
This script creates a new snapshot named snapshot_1
into the repository backup
export ES_USR="YOUR_USERNAME" export ES_PASSWD="YOUR_PASSWORD" export DOMAIN="ES_URL" export REPO="backup" export SNAPSHOT="snapshot_1" curl -u $ES_USR:$ES_PASSWD -XPUT "$DOMAIN/_snapshot/$REPO/$SNAPSHOT?pretty"
in some cases, this process could take more than one hour so you have to check the status of your snapshot with these commands
export ES_USR="YOUR_USERNAME" export ES_PASSWD="YOUR_PASSWORD" export DOMAIN="ES_URL" export REPO="backup" export SNAPSHOT="snapshot_1" #status of the current snapshot # when the snapshot it is finished it will return this # { # "snapshots": [] # } # curl -u $ES_USR:$ES_PASSWD -XGET "$DOMAIN/_snapshot/$REPO/_status?pretty" #status of snapshot_1, you have to check the `status field` until it will be SUCCESS/FAILED curl -u $ES_USR:$ES_PASSWD -XGET "$DOMAIN/_snapshot/$REPO/$SNAPSHOT?pretty"
Errors trying to create a snapshot snapshot is already running
If you execute your snapshot command and see this error, it is because another snapshot is still running, so you can wait until this snapshot finished, or you can cancel it.
{ "error":"RemoteTransportException[[Smuggler][inet[/]][cluster/snapshot/create]]; nested: ConcurrentSnapshotExecutionException[[backup:snapshot_1] a snapshot is already running]; ", "status":503 }
You have to check which repository is making a snapshot with these commands
export ES_USR="YOUR_USERNAME" export ES_PASSWD="YOUR_PASSWORD" export DOMAIN="ES_URL" export REPO="backup" curl -u $ES_USR:$ES_PASSWD -XGET "$DOMAIN/_snapshot/$REPO/_status?pretty"
once you have the name of the snapshot you can cancel it with this commands
export ES_USR="YOUR_USERNAME" export ES_PASSWD="YOUR_PASSWORD" export DOMAIN="ES_URL" export REPO="cloudbees-analytics" export SNAPSHOT_NAME="SET_THE_NAME_OF_SNAPSHOT_HERE" ## Cancel the snapshot curl -PDELETE -u $ES_USR:$ES_PASSWD -m 30 "$DOMAIN/_snapshot/$REPO/$SNAPSHOT_NAME?pretty" #check the status again curl -u $ES_USR:$ES_PASSWD -XGET "$DOMAIN/_snapshot/$REPO/_status?pretty"
Restore a Snapshot of indices
When a disaster happens we have to restore data from the snapshot that we have. In order to do that, we have to get the list of snapshots available to restore with these commands
#obtain ES list of snapshots on cloudbees-analytics repository export ES_USR="YOUR_USERNAME" export ES_PASSWD="YOUR_PASSWORD" export DOMAIN="ES_URL" export REPO="cloudbees-analytics" curl -u $ES_USR:$ES_PASSWD "$DOMAIN/_snapshot/$REPO/_all?pretty" > $REPO-snapshots.json
Now, we have to take a look at the cloudbees-analytics-snapshots.json file and check which snapshots and indices we want to restore, once we have done it, we can edit the following script by adding a new line restore "SNAPSHOT_NAME" "INDEX_NAME"
for each index that we want to restore. This script will create a file for each snapshot with the results of the restore operation.
#set the username export ES_USR="YOUR_USERNAME" #set the password export ES_PASSWD="YOUR_PASSWORD" export ES_URL="URL_OF_ES" export ES_CREDS="$ES_USR:$ES_PASSWD" #name of the snapshot repository export ES_REPO="cloudbees-analytics" restore() { local ES_SNAPSHOT=$1 local index=$2 local FILE=restore-${ES_REPO}-${ES_SNAPSHOT}.json echo "Restoring $ES_REPO - $ES_SNAPSHOT - $index" echo "Close $index" >> $FILE curl -XPOST -u $ES_CREDS "$ES_URL/$index/_close?pretty" >> $FILE echo "Restore $ES_REPO - $ES_SNAPSHOT - $index" >> $FILE curl -XPOST -u $ES_CREDS "$ES_URL/_snapshot/$ES_REPO/$ES_SNAPSHOT/_restore?wait_for_completion=true&pretty" -d"{ \"indices\" : \"$index\", \"ignore_unavailable\": \"true\", \"include_global_state\": \"true\" }" >> $FILE EXIT=1 while [ $EXIT -eq 1 ]; do echo " wait_for_completion $ES_REPO/$ES_SNAPSHOT" sleep 5s EXIT=$(curl -XGET -u $ES_CREDS "$ES_URL/_snapshot/$ES_REPO/$ES_SNAPSHOT/_status" | grep -c "IN_PROGRESS") done } #set the SNAPSHOT_NAME and INDEX_NAME you want to restore restore "SNAPSHOT_NAME" "INDEX_NAME"
Delete snapshots
If we want to keep only an exact number of snapshots on a repository we could use this script to do that. It requires having installed jq a JSON parser. It will list all snapshots and keep only the last 30, and delete all the rest
#set the username export ES_USR="YOUR_USERNAME" #set the password export ES_PASSWD="YOUR_PASSWORD" export DOMAIN="URL_OF_ES" #number of snapshot to keep export LIMIT=30 export REPO="cloudbees-analytics" export ES_SNAPSHOTS=$(curl -u admin:$ES_PASSWD -s -XGET "$ES_URL/_snapshot/$REPO/_all" | jq -r ".snapshots[:-${LIMIT}][].snapshot") # Loop over the results and delete each snapshot for SNAPSHOT in $ES_SNAPSHOTS do echo "Deleting snapshot: $SNAPSHOT" curl -u $ES_USR:$ES_PASSWD -s -XDELETE "$DOMAIN/_snapshot/$REPO/$SNAPSHOT?pretty" done