How to setup Amazon Classic ELB as the load balancer of CJOC?

Article ID:236353968
2 minute readKnowledge base


  • I want to setup an Amazon Classic Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) for CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center in High Availability


  • CloudBees Jenkins Operations Center or Client controller

  • Amazon Classic Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

  • AWS


This setup will follow the Load Balancer configuration from the main HA (active/passive) document but will specific to the Amazon ELB.

This document will not cover the steps for the 'Amazon Application Load Balancer' as it is unsupported for the following reasons:
  • It cannot route TCP Traffic

  • It requires Multi-AZ

Verify your SSHD Listen Port (optional: read below)

SSHD routing is required if using the Git internal server of Jenkins to manage a "Pipeline global shared library". If you are using this feature, determine your SSHD port by:

  • Navigate to "Manage Jenkins / Configure System"

  • Ensure that the SSHD Port is set to a fixed value (e.g. 2222)


Create an Amazon Classic Elastic Load Balancer

  • Navigate to the AWS Admin Console / EC2"

  • Create a new Amazon Classic ELB load balancer

Step 1: Define Load Balancer

  • Load Balancer name: Name of the Amazon ELB load balancer (e.g. "ops-center")

  • Create LB Inside: VPC in which the load balancer will be created. Should be the VPC in which the Operations Center EC2 VMs are started

  • Listener Configuration

    • HTTP traffic

      • Load Balancer Protocol: HTTP

      • Load balancer port: 80

      • Instance Protocol: HTTP

      • Instance Port: 80 (a listen port on Operations Center instances that redirect to HTTPS). If HTTPS is not used, then enter the HTTP endpoint of Operations Center (e.g. 8888)

    • HTTPS (skip if HTTPS is not used)

      • Load Balancer Protocol: HTTPS (Secure HTTP)

      • Load balancer port: 443

      • Instance Protocol: HTTP

      • Instance Port: 8888 (HTTP endpoint of Operations Center)

    • SSHD / Git (skip if 'Pipeline global shared library' is not used)

      • Load Balancer Protocol: TCP

      • Load balancer port: 2222

      • Instance Protocol: TCP

      • Instance Port: 2222 (the "SSHD Port" defined on Operations Center)


Step 2: Assign Security Group

Choose a security group that allows access to the desired groups of users


Step 3: Configure Security Settings (optional: read below)

Needed if HTTPS / SSL is enabled. Note: It is required to use SSL certificates that are by default trusted by the JVM. Using a self signed certificate or a certificate generated by an enterprise Certificate Authority requires a better understanding of HTTPS / SSL and more configuration.


Step 4: Configure Health Check

  • Ping Protocol: HTTP

  • Ping Port: 8888 (the HTTP endpoint of Operations Center)

  • Ping Path: /ha/health-check

  • Response timeout: 5s

  • Interval: 30s

  • Unhealthy Threshold: 2

  • Healthy Threshold: 10 (this default value can be lowered to 4 in most use cases)


Step 5: Add EC2 Instances

Select the Operations Center instances.


Step 6: Add Tags

Add AWS tags if needed.

Step 7: Review

Review configuration and launch creation.
