Troubleshooting: CloudBees ServiceNow Plugin

Article ID:360031069671
2 minute readKnowledge base


  • ServiceNow validate fails with either of the following errors:

Connection failed using $URL as $user....


The CloudBees CI ServiceNow Plugin is a pipeline plugin that provides objects and functions for creating and update change requests and incident tickets in your ServiceNow instance.


Previous versions of the CloudBees CI ServiceNow Plugin did not support proxies, however, the releases listed here on the release notes for this plugin include proxy support. If you’re experiencing issues with ServiceNow configuration and are using a proxy please ensure the plugin version in use is one of the valid listed plugin versions.

For more verbose output on the underlying cause please add the following logger com.cloudbees.plugins.servicenow set to level FINE as shown following this article ' How do I create a logger in Jenkins for troubleshooting and diagnostics?'

Then reproduce the issue once more by configuring the ServiceNow Plugin and selecting the Validate button again.

The logger will then send the more verbose output to the custom logger previously created which should be stored in your directory: JENKINS_HOME/logs/custom/$LOG_NAME

If you see output which is similar to the following:

FINE com.cloudbees.plugins.servicenow.ServiceNowRestService execute
com.cloudbees.plugins.servicenow.ServiceNowRestService posted '{"additionalFields":null,"correlation_id":"aaaa4444-7777-4444-8878-ffffff85b08e","short_description":"Description_test","state":"New"}' to https://$SERVICE_NOW_URL/api/now/import/ENDPOINT with response 403 '{"error":{"message":"Operation Failed","detail":"ACL Exception Insert Failed due to security constraints"},"status":"failure"}'

Then the error ACL Exception Insert Failed.. is an issue with the privileges on the ServiceNow user configured.

Specifically as explained and reported previously on the ServiceNow forums please give the user admin/create level permissions or use a different admin user:

If the above does not resolve your ServiceNow Validation issue on CloudBees CI please open a support request and attach a Support Bundle and logs generated from this.