You are writing a groovy script which uses a particular library, and the script is throwing a
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You are migrating jobs from one Jenkins instance to another. When your job runs, you see 'Unable to resolve class'.
You need to know which library is providing the class you are using.
CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise - Managed controller (CJE-MM)
CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise - Operations center (CJE-OC)
Jenkins has a complex, modular architecture which means each plugin gets its own ClassLoader which altogether form a hierarchy rooted at the Jenkins core ClassLoader. To locate the plugin which can load a specific class use the following Groovy script:
String className = "<enter fully qualified class name here>" def clazzResource = className.replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".class" println "Looking for: ${clazzResource}\n" Jenkins.instance.pluginManager.activePlugins.forEach { PluginWrapper plugin -> def c = plugin.classLoader.getResources(clazzResource) if (c.hasMoreElements()) { println "Found in ${plugin}" println Collections.list(c).join("\n") + "\n" } } println("Plugin order:") Jenkins.instance.pluginManager.activePlugins.each{ it -> println(" " + it.shortName) } return
For example, let’s say I would like to know which plugin is providing the snakeyaml Yaml utilities. Go to the Jenkins Script Console, paste the above script and replace the placeholder like this:
String className = "org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml"
You should see something similar as a result:
Looking for: org/yaml/snakeyaml/Yaml.class Found in Plugin:blueocean-rest-impl jar:file:/tmp/jenkins/plugins/blueocean-rest-impl/WEB-INF/lib/snakeyaml-1.10.jar!/org/yaml/snakeyaml/Yaml.class Found in Plugin:kubernetes jar:file:/tmp/jenkins/plugins/kubernetes/WEB-INF/lib/snakeyaml-1.15.jar!/org/yaml/snakeyaml/Yaml.class ...