RELEASED: Public: 2018-05-16
Resolved issues
CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-8629]
Security configuration page fix to exclude not applicable strategies.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-7405]
The default security settings performed by the Setup Wizard were not run. See <insert a link to a web page with advisory here> for details and mediation needed to secure existing teams.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-8653]
In case that you are a user with no rights to create a team, you will now be able to easier switch to the classic view.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-8606]
There had been a problem with the graphical display of long usernames, which is now fixed by trimming the name.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-8602]
Improving the loading experience.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-8596]
Making sure only one link to the new user experience is shown in the classic UI.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-8538]
Adding hover style on tabs to show that you are highlighting them.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-8579]
Internal changes to streamline development.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-8478]
Fix log spam during team controllers creation (a warning message was printed to logs without any further impact).
CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-8537]
Exclude tab for the environment variables in case the user does not has the permission to see it.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-8327]
Avoid exposing useless REST services in controllers