CloudBees CasC Server Plugin 1.15

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: 2021-07-28

New features


Feature enhancements


Resolved issues

The casc-bundle-set-controller and casc-bundle-set-master CLI commands returned an incorrect error message (BEE-6350)

Previously, if a controller did not exist and you attempted to assign a bundle to it, the casc-bundle-set-controller and casc-bundle-set-master CLI commands returned ERROR: Bundle matching master-id cannot be found, incorrectly indicating the bundle could not be found.

This error message has been improved to indicate the controller could not be found.

The casc-bundle-set-master CLI command was deprecated in version due to offensive terminology. The casc-bundle-set-controller command should be used for all new applications.

Known issues


Upgrade notes
