CloudBees CasC Server Plugin 1.73

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: August 10, 2022

New features

New HTTP endpoint was added to view the validation log (BEE-19654)

A new HTTP endpoint lets you view the validation log in JSON format. The output can be filtered to controllers by specifying the controller id as a simple string or regexp.

This endpoint provides the last five effective bundle validations for each related filtered controller.

New CLI command was added to view the validation log (BEE-19656)

A new CLI command lets you view the validation log in JSON format. You can filter the output by specifying the controller id as a simple string or a regexp.

This CLI command provides the last five effective bundle structural validations for each filtered controller.

Feature enhancements


Resolved issues

Validation entries are not recording when the instance is starting up (BEE-19962)

If the Controller Bundle Location Service detected a new bundle or a new version of an existing bundle during the start up process, the validation entry was not recorded.

This issue is now fixed.

Known issues


Upgrade notes
