CloudBees Folders Plus Plugin 3.24

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: 2021-12-01

New features


Feature enhancements

CloudBees CasC API plugin has been split into multiple plugins (BEE-9439 and BEE-9943)

The CloudBees CasC API plugin has been split into four plugins:

  • CloudBees CasC Client plugin: Allows you to export the current CasC configuration and update a CasC bundle. For more information, refer to CloudBees CasC Client plugin.

  • CloudBees CasC Items API plugin: Allows you to create a new item in the operations center based on an items.yaml file stored in the local filesystem and to export an individual CasC item in YAML format from the operations center and controllers. For more information, refer to CloudBees CasC Items API plugin.

  • CloudBees CasC Items Commons plugin: Allows you to create:

    • Folders, Freestyle jobs, and Backup items for the operations center using the CasC items.yaml file.

    • Folders, Freestyle jobs, Backup, and Restore items for controllers using the CasC items.yaml file.

      For more information, refer to CloudBees CasC Items Commons plugin[].

  • CloudBees CasC Items Controller plugin: Allows you to create Pipeline, Multibranch Pipeline, GitHub Organization, and Bitbucket Teams/Projects items for controllers using the CasC items.yaml file. For more information, refer to CloudBees CasC Items Controller plugin.

    The CloudBees CasC Items Controller plugin is not supported for the operations center and should not be installed.

These plugins are included in the CloudBees Assurance Program (CAP). The CloudBees CasC API plugin has been deprecated and can be uninstalled. For more information, refer to Uninstalling plugins from CloudBees CI.

Resolved issues


Known issues


Upgrade notes
