RELEASED: Public: 2021-06-02
Publishes Jenkins Events to the unified CloudBees platform.
New features
- CloudBees Unified Data Plugin can send new events about user log in and license changes (BEE-2529)
The CloudBees Unified Data Plugin is able to send new events to SDA about:
Users that log in via any log in mechanism (for example, a website, CLI or REST API).
When the changelog of an SCM repository is calculated and the users that authored the changelog entries.
The license used in the CloudBees CI instance, when this instance is started, or when its license changes.
The CloudBees Unified Data Plugin is now able to include test results recorded by the JUnit plugin in build events. (BEE-2030)
The CloudBees Unified Data Plugin is now able to include metadata about build artifacts in build events. (BEE-2031)